A Soul to Heal

A Soul to Heal Opal Reyne


A Soul to Heal (Duskwalker Brides #2)

All Delora ever wanted was to disappear.

Thrown into the Veil for a crime she committed, Delora was discarded by the world. Although afraid of her oncoming demise, she accepts it as it would be a worldly escape from her problems. She didn't expect that she would wake up from her deadly fall, nor that the person who saved her would be a Duskwalker.

She's wary about him at first, but Delora begins to realise there's more to him than just a faceless monster.

All he ever wanted was a name.

After discovering that humans can be kept as companions, he begins planning for the day he finds his own bride. He still lacks humanity and there is much learn first. One morning when leaving his cave, a human suddenly crashes into him from the sky. Broken and sleeping, he gets to work on healing the woman.

It doesn't take him long to understand she's wounded in a way his magic can't heal.

But will he be able to gain her affections, or will she come to hate him as he stumbles his way through learning about her ― and more importantly, himself?

Fantasia / Ficção / Romance

Edições (1)

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A Soul to Heal


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A Soul to Keep
A Soul to Touch
A Soul to Guide
A Soul to Revive

Resenhas para A Soul to Heal (35)

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É bom, mas lento.
on 31/12/22

Eu gostei demais do desenvolvimento do Magnar, desde o primeiro livro eu já estava ansiosa para saber mais sobre ele. Ele é tão fofo e ingênuo e cresce tanto com o decorrer do livro. Um amorzinho esse Mavka. Delora me conquistou no começo do livro, mas no quesito desenvolvimento, sinceramente me deixou meio decepcionada. Sei que ela tem questões emocionais, mas ela não saia do lugar. Era sempre as mesmas coisas e ela nunca reagia, tipo, se ela sabe que ele não tem o intelecto para sabe... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.8 / 203
ranking 32
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ranking 26
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cadastrou em:
20/09/2022 15:48:52
editou em:
17/08/2023 16:07:35

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