Between Love and Loathing

Between Love and Loathing Shain Rose


Between Love and Loathing (Hardy Billionaires)

Fake dating my enemy so I can design my dream bakery should be easy … as long as I don't fall in love with him.

Dominic Hardy might be an award-winning architectural engineer with fancy degrees and considerable accolades, but he doesn’t know a thing about baking.
He doesn’t even like sugar.
So when my late stepfather’s will states that Dominic Hardy is set to inherit the Pacific Coast Resort he’d painstakingly designed, as long as my bakery can be plopped in the middle of it, it’s no surprise he balks.
And my jaw drops when another stipulation requires us to mutually approve plans for my bakery’s design.
His stuffy taste will never mix with my whimsical vibe.

But then Dominic comes to me with a proposal I can’t refuse. He’ll give me everything I want in my bakery as long as I agree to one thing:

Fake date him for five months.
Keep his ex away by pretending we’re in love.
Smile and stare into his piercing green eyes at a gala or two.
Maybe share a kiss.
Nothing extreme.
Five months of acting in love when I really loathe him and his filthy mouth.
Even when he’s using it on me.

This should be a cakewalk.
Except there’s a fine line between love and loathing, and I think I’ve made the colossal mistake of blurring it.


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Between Love and Loathing


Resenhas para Between Love and Loathing (30)

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on 30/12/23

Mais uma ilusão do tiktok, tenho que abrir uma conta no judiciário só pra processar esses tiktok por calúnia ou propaganda enganosa aff Enfim, o começo é muito ruim. Dominic é um baita p#u no c*, clara é insuportavelmente submissa de tudo é todos até da o ponto de guinada. Dominic que sempre foi arrogante e imbecil com tudo que respira começou a agir como se n fosse assim, foi de forma gradativamente mas também bem sonso agindo como se nunca tivesse sido de outra forma que não muito s... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.6 / 238
ranking 21
ranking 44
ranking 26
ranking 7
ranking 2



cadastrou em:
08/10/2023 21:50:08
editou em:
08/10/2023 21:50:28

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