
Knockout Sarah MacLean


Knockout (Hell's Belles ##3)

New York Times bestselling author Sarah MacLean returns with the next Hell’s Belles novel about a chaotic bluestocking and the buttoned-up detective enlisted to keep her out of trouble (spoiler: She is the trouble).

With her headful of wild curls and wilder ideas and an unabashed love of experiments and explosives, society has labeled Lady Imogen Loveless peculiar…and doesn’t know she’s one of the Hell’s Belles—a group of vigilantes operating outside the notice of most of London.

Thomas Peck is not most of London. The brilliant detective fought his way off the streets and into a promising career through sheer force of will and a keen ability to see things others miss, like the fact that Imogen isn’t peculiar…she’s pandemonium. If you ask him, she requires a keeper. When her powerful family discovers her late-night activities, they couldn’t agree more…and they know just the man for the task.

Thomas wants nothing to do with guarding Imogen. He is a grown man with a proper job and no time for the lady’s incendiary chaos, no matter how lushly it is packaged. But some assignments are too explosive to pass up, and the gruff detective is soon caught up in Imogen’s world, full of her bold smiles and burning secrets…and a fiery passion that threatens to consume them both.

Chick-lit / Romance

Edições (1)

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Resenhas para Knockout (1)

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on 22/11/23

"A autora best-seller do New York Times, Sarah MacLean, retorna com o próximo romance de Hell’s Belles (Belas fatais) sobre uma solteirona caótica e o detetive certinho alistado para mantê-la longe de problemas (spoiler: ela é o problema). Com sua cabeça cheia de cachos selvagens e ideias mais selvagens e um amor descarado por experimentos e explosivos, a sociedade rotulou Lady Imogen Loveless de peculiar... e não sabe que ela é uma das Hell's Belles/Belas Fatais - um grupo de vigi... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.3 / 13
ranking 62
ranking 31
ranking 8
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Ana Guedes
cadastrou em:
22/08/2023 21:38:03
Ana Guedes
editou em:
22/08/2023 21:38:22

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