Entangled to the Naga: An Alien Monster Standalone Romance

Entangled to the Naga: An Alien Monster Standalone Romance Jade Waltz


Entangled to the Naga: An Alien Monster Standalone Romance #3

Interstellar Protections Agency Book 3

The fact that I had crash-landed on a desert planet was the least of my concerns...
When we were attacked, our dream cruise went down in flames.
Rescued by a Naga prince, he swears to protect me for a price—I have to agree to become his mate.

If I do, I will not only save myself, but also those who have crashed here with me.
If I don't, his clan will leave our fate to the stars.

I resist at first, but the more I get to know this crimson male, I find myself increasingly captivated by his charm.
As my heart becomes entwined with his over time, I begin to wonder...will our people ever allow us to be together?

Entangled to the Naga is a full-length standalone sci-fi romance featuring a heroine whose about to have a knotty good time with a fierce, protective serpent hero.

If you like sexy alien-looking aliens, sweet-n-steamy romance, and thrilling adventure, you’ll love this series. No cheating, no cliffhanger, and a happily ever after guaranteed for each couple! Each book in the series can be read as a standalone, but for maximum enjoyment, it’s recommended that the series be read in order.

Erótico / Ficção / Ficção científica / Romance

Edições (1)

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Entangled to the Naga: An Alien Monster Standalone Romance


Resenhas para Entangled to the Naga: An Alien Monster Standalone Romance (1)

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on 25/6/23

Basicamente, o Príncipe naga tava lá de boa curtindo a piscina dele quando uma nave cai do ladinho do homi. Até aí ok, só que ele fala pra mulher que tava na nave "você destruiu minha piscina e agr tem que pagar" a bicha entra em desespero né, ela ia tirar dinheiro da onde? Aí o cobra solta um "você pode pagar com o seu corpo, sendo a minha princesa"???? E ela fica toda "hmmm vou pensar" só que não dá nem 2h e ela já tá apaixonada pelo cara. Típico de humana emocionada que se apaixona ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
24/06/2023 17:35:49
editou em:
24/06/2023 17:36:42

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