Enchanted to Meet You

Enchanted to Meet You Meg Cabot


Enchanted to Meet You (Witches of West Harbor)

A Witches of West Harbor Novel

A witchy rom-com from New York Times bestseller Meg Cabot about a plus size witch who must team up with a handsome stranger to help protect her village from an otherworldly force--but will she be able to protect her heart?

It's Magic When You Meet Your Match

In her teenage years, lovelorn Jessica Gold cast a spell that went disastrously wrong, and brought her all the wrong kind of attention--as well as a lifetime ban from the World Council of Witches.

So no one is more surprised than Jess when, fifteen years later, tall, handsome WCW member Derrick Winters shows up in her quaint little village of West Harbor and claims that Jess is the Chosen One.

She's the Chosen One

Not chosen by West Harbor's snobby elite to style them for the town's tricentennial ball--though Jess owns the chicest clothing boutique in town. And not chosen finally to be on the WCW, either--not that Jess would have said yes, anyway, since she's done with any organization that tries to dictate what makes a "true" witch.

No, Jess has been chosen to help save West Harbor itself . . .

As Summer Ends, Her Power Grows

But just when Jess is beginning to think that she and Derrick might have a certain magic of their own--and not of the supernatural variety--Jess learns he may not be who she thought he was.

And suddenly Jess finds herself having to make another kind of choice: trust Derrick and work with him to combat the sinister force battling to bring down West Harbor, or use her gift as she always has: to keep herself, and her heart, safe.

Can she work her magic in time?

Chick-lit / Fantasia / Romance

Edições (1)

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Enchanted to Meet You


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A maldição do ex
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Resenhas para Enchanted to Meet You (4)

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on 27/10/23

É um romance clichê, mas que poderia ter sido desenvolvido melhor. O livro é bom e a história é interessante, mas sinto que faltou se aprofundar em certas coisas e não consegui ver a química entre os personagens principais. Apesar da idade deles, o livro me pareceu um YA o tempo todo. Sério eles pareciam adolescentes e não adultos e, acho que foi isso que mais me incomodou e a tal batalha onde realmente esperei uma grande batalha. Se você leu "My roommate is a vampire" - que é um roma... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.4 / 19
ranking 11
ranking 26
ranking 63
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Maria @booksofmary
cadastrou em:
26/04/2023 20:55:05
Maria @booksofmary
editou em:
26/04/2023 20:56:37

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