Slaying the Vampire Conqueror

Slaying the Vampire Conqueror Carissa Broadbent


Slaying the Vampire Conqueror (Mortal Enemies to Monster Lovers #1)

She was commanded to kill him with a single strike to the heart. She didn't expect her own to betray her.

Sylina has sacrificed everything for her goddess--her soul, her freedom, her eyes. Life in service to the Arachessen, a cult of the Goddess of Fate, has turned Sylina from orphaned street-rat to disciplined killer, determined to overthrow Glaea's tyrannical king.

But when a brutal vampire conqueror arrives on their shores, Sylina faces an even deadlier adversary. She's tasked with a crucial mission: infiltrate his army, earn his trust... and kill him.

Atrius is a terrifying warrior carving an unstoppable path through Glaea. Yet when Sylina becomes his seer, she glimpses a dark and shocking past--and a side of him that reminds her far too much of parts of herself she'd rather forget.

Sylina's orders are clear. The conqueror cannot live. But as the blood spilled by Glaea's tyrant king runs thicker, her connection with Atrius only grows stronger. A connection forbidden by her vows. A connection that could cost her everything.

Slaying the Vampire Conqueror is a standalone fantasy romance set in the Crowns of Nyaxia world, full of heart-wrenching forbidden romance, dark curses, and epic battles -- perfect for fans of The Bridge Kingdom and the From Blood and Ash series. It is an installment of the heart-pounding fantasy romance series, Mortal Enemies to Monster Lovers. If you like forbidden romance, dark curses, bad*ss heroines, and morally-gray heroes, you'll devour this sexy, addictive series.

Fantasia / Ficção / Romance

Edições (1)

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Slaying the Vampire Conqueror


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Uma incrível surpresa
on 16/4/24

Amei a história dos dois, confesso que no começo fiquei meio indecisa sobre o que achar do Atrius, mas conforme foi chegando no final consegui começar a gostar dele. Mas uma coisa que é incomparável é como a Sylina é uma mulher forte, poderosa, determinada e extremamente inteligente. Amei o amor que ela tem pela justiça e que mesmo através das incessantes sessões de tortura e tentativas de tirar a essência dela nada resolveu. ????... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 46
ranking 33
ranking 54
ranking 11
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cadastrou em:
20/04/2023 16:10:41
editou em:
27/04/2023 09:54:49

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