Hidden Gem

Hidden Gem Lissa Kasey


Hidden Gem #1

Misaki Itou is a hybrid human feared for his supernatural power, but adored by a grumpy police detective. Only the two of them can piece together the puzzle of high profile murders and awaken to a sleeping dragon of secrets that will change the world.
A global plague and world war created them—monsters in human skin, can they find love too?

Shane contracted the mutation during the third World War, a corruption of the blood that forces him to violently shift into an animal every month. He uses his heightened senses to track down the missing or murdering dredges of humanity. His only safe haven is a hustler with the ability to see other people’s pasts.

A psi, hiding in plain sight, Misaki spends his days pleasing men for money and basking in beautiful shoes. Shane’s presence in his life sometimes means gruesome murder cases and memories that give him nightmares, but he can’t help being drawn to the gruff detective.

When an official’s daughter goes missing, Shane asks for Misaki’s help. But the trip into the killer’s mind opens a door to evil long forgotten and it’s coming for them next.

Note: Trigger warnings inside the book, please check the look inside before deciding if this content is for you.

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Hidden Gem


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on 30/3/23

Adorei o universo, um mundo no futuro depois de uma terceira guerra mundial, com direto a clones, mutantes e pessoas com poderes psíquicos! O erro é tratar isso tudo de uma maneira meio confusa. Também não comprei muito o romance principal, justamente por não mostrar a evolução da relação entre os personagens, a gente sabe que eles tem uma história, mas como não é contada, acaba ficando superficial. Mas isso não me desanima de ler a continuação, espero que tenha mais mistérios.... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
12/03/2023 13:10:27
editou em:
12/03/2023 13:10:55

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