The Most Secret Memory of Men

The Most Secret Memory of Men Mohamed Mbougar Sarr


The Most Secret Memory of Men

A Novel

A masterful coming-of-age novel and a gripping investigation into the life of a mysterious author who disappeared without a trace, by the first writer from sub-Saharan Africa to be awarded France’s prestigious Prix Goncourt.

Paris, 2018. Diégane Latyr Faye, a young Senegalese writer, discovers a legendary book published in 1938 titled The Maze of Inhumanity. No one knows what happened to the author, T.C. Elimane, once referred to as the “Black Rimbaud.” After he was accused of plagiarism, his reputation was destroyed by the critics. He subsequently disappeared without a trace.

Curiosity turns to obsession, and Faye embarks on a quest to uncover the fate of the mysterious T.C. Elimane. His search weaves past and present, countries and continents, following the author’s labyrinthine trail from Senegal to Argentina and France and confronting the great tragedies of history.

Alongside his investigation, Faye becomes part of a group of young African writers in Paris. They talk, drink, make love, and philosophize about the role of exile in artistic creation. He becomes particularly close to two women: the seductive Siga, keeper of secrets, and the fleeting photojournalist Aïda.

But throughout, a question persists: will he get to the truth at the center of the maze?

A gripping detective novel without a detective and a masterpiece of perpetual reinvention, The Most Secret Memory of Men confronts the impact of colonialism and neo-colonialism, the holocaust in Europe, dictatorships in South America and the Caribbean, genocide in Africa, and collaboration and resistance everywhere. Above all, it is a love song to literature and its timeless power.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (4)

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A mais recôndita memória dos homens
The Most Secret Memory of Men
A Mais Secreta Memória dos Homens
La Plus Secrète Mémoire des hommes


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Resenhas para The Most Secret Memory of Men (31)

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A vida nos pertence precisamente quando escapa
on 20/2/24

Gosto quando um livro não entrega tudo na primeira leitura. Pelas diversas camadas que ele possui, sinto que uma releitura trará um outro olhar e novas descobertas desse grande mosaico-labirinto-quebra-cabeça, ao menos para mim... Não lembro exatamente como cheguei ao livro, mas recomendo chegar assim, sem pretensão alguma, desconhecendo a história e aberto para explorar 400 páginas, ainda que algumas num ritmo mais lento. Por isso, caso goste de saber o mínimo possível, pare de ler a... leia mais

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Avaliações 4.4 / 136
ranking 64
ranking 31
ranking 3
ranking 3
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
13/01/2024 18:53:34
editou em:
13/01/2024 18:53:46

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