The Captain

The Captain Josie Blake


The Captain (Chesterboro University #Book 1)

A Fake Relationship Hockey Romance

Cord Spellman might be everyone’s Prince Charming, but I’m only his fake Cinderella.

Since my dad died and my mom bailed, I’ve been living in a trailer park, barely making ends meet. I can take care of myself, as demonstrated by my acceptances to a handful of elite music graduate programs. So what if funding my success has meant sacrificing my college social life?

That’s why Cord’s offer is perfect. The hot hockey star has playoffs coming up. He doesn’t have time for girls, especially his cheating ex who’s determined to get back together with him. He needs to focus on his game, so he asks me to divert the attention—as his fake girlfriend.

I pretend to be in love with him and get a taste of the party life before graduation. Cord is free to concentrate on hockey. But when the line blurs between what’s real and what’s fake, can we create our own fairy tale ending?

THE CAPTAIN is a full-length, sexy college-set hockey romance with a happily ever after. If you like Cinderella vibes, cinnamon roll heroes, and slow-burn chemistry, grab your copy now and fall in love with the Chesterboro Bulldog hockey team!

The Chesterboro University books contain mild adult language and open-door sexual scenes/situations. Every story can stand alone, but you'll get more reading pleasure by reading them together. Here's the series reading list so far:

The Captain - A Fake Relationship Hockey Romance
The Blueliner - A Brother's Best Friend Hockey Romance
The Playmaker - An Opposites Attract Hockey Romance

Ficção / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Captain


Resenhas para The Captain (6)

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Ah sim, já vi alguns
on 13/2/24

Tudo nesse livro é ruim e olha que eu sou capaz de gostar de qualquer coisa. É péssimo em vários sentidos. O romance é mal feito, o protagonista é ridículo, a mocinha é péssima, em um momento eles estão namorando de mentira e no outro tudo já foi atropelado e acontece de uma vez você nem entende nada e o plot também horroroso Ele chama ela de feiaaaaa, várias vezes ele diz que ela não é classicamente bonita ou que ela não faz o tipo dele, eu quis me rasgar... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
10/03/2022 14:26:14
editou em:
10/03/2022 14:33:54

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