Survive the Night

Survive the Night Riley Sager


Survive the Night

It’s November 1991. George H. W. Bush is in the White House, Nirvana's in the tape deck, and movie-obsessed college student Charlie Jordan is in a car with a man who might be a serial killer.

Josh Baxter, the man behind the wheel, is a virtual stranger to Charlie. They met at the campus ride board, each looking to share the long drive home to Ohio. Both have good reasons for wanting to get away. For Charlie, it’s guilt and grief over the murder of her best friend, who became the third victim of the man known as the Campus Killer. For Josh, it’s to help care for his sick father. Or so he says. Like the Hitchcock heroine she’s named after, Charlie has her doubts. There’s something suspicious about Josh, from the holes in his story about his father to how he doesn’t seem to want Charlie to see inside the car’s trunk. As they travel an empty highway in the dead of night, an increasingly worried Charlie begins to think she’s sharing a car with the Campus Killer. Is Josh truly dangerous? Or is Charlie’s suspicion merely a figment of her movie-fueled imagination?

What follows is a game of cat and mouse played out on night-shrouded roads and in neon-lit parking lots, during an age when the only call for help can be made on a pay phone and in a place where there's nowhere to run. In order to win, Charlie must do one thing—survive the night.

Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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Survive the Night


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on 9/11/21

Apesar de ter gostado do livro de forma geral, confesso que senti raiva da protagonista várias vezes durante a leitura. Legal os capítulos começarem como se fossem um roteiro e outros personagens terem vez na narração quando são necessários. Mas prepare-se para momentos de raiva.... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
09/05/2021 23:23:20
editou em:
09/05/2021 23:25:22

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