Meet Me in Paradise

Meet Me in Paradise Libby Hubscher


Meet Me in Paradise

Marin Cole has never:
Seen the ocean
Climbed a mountain
Taken a risk on love
....But if her sister's plan works, she just might do all three.

Ever since her journalist mother died on assignment, Marin has played it safe, refusing to set foot outside the state of Tennessee. Her wild-child younger sister, Sadie, has trotted the globe as a photographer, living off of art and adrenaline.

When Sadie returns from a tough assignment abroad and looks a little worse for wear, Marin reluctantly agrees to a sisters' spa weekend on the tropical island of Saba. But her lifelong fear of travel is affirmed when Sadie misses the flight, Marin's luggage gets mixed up with another passenger's, and an episode of turbulence sends her hurtling into the lap of Lucas Tsai, the handsome stranger who stole her sister's seat.

For the first time in a long time, Marin has to step outside of her comfort zone as she explores the island with Lucas and learns what she's been missing out on. With each breathtaking new experience, Marin gets closer to her real self, the man she's falling for, and the heart-wrenching truth about why she's there in the first place.

Chick-lit / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Meet Me in Paradise


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Resenhas para Meet Me in Paradise (7)

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Muito mais do que eu esperava
on 20/6/21

Este livro me deu uma sensação boa, que simplesmente não consigo descrever. É realista? Sim, mas não muito. É clichê? Sim, e eu amei. Chorei e sorri, e até ri, quando comecei a ler este livro, esperava apenas uma comédia romântica fofinha, mas acabou sendo muito mais do que isso. Amei os personagens e também a protagonista principal. Foi um pouco triste, mas estou feliz por ter lido.... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.1 / 34
ranking 47
ranking 35
ranking 15
ranking 0
ranking 3



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cadastrou em:
07/04/2021 08:54:30
editou em:
30/10/2021 17:02:58

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