A Dance with the Fae Prince

A Dance with the Fae Prince Elise Kova


A Dance with the Fae Prince (Married to Magic #2)

Cinderella meets THE CRUEL PRINCE in this stand-alone fantasy romance about a human girl and her marriage to the prince of the fae.

She knew her hand in marriage would be sold. She had no idea a fae prince was the buyer.

Katria swore she'd never fall in love. She's seen what "love" means through the cruelty of her family. So when she's married off to the mysterious Lord Fenwood for a handsome price, all Katria wants is a better life than the one she's leaving. Feelings are off the table.

But her new husband makes not falling in love difficult.

As their attraction begins to grow, so too do the oddities within her new life: strange rules, screams in the night, and attacks by fae that Katria never thought were real. When she witnesses a ritual not meant for human eyes, Katria finds herself spirited away to the land of Midscape.

Surviving the fae wilds as a human is hard enough. Katria must survive as a human who accidently pilfered the magic of ancient kings - magic a bloodthirsty king is ready to kill her for in order to keep his stolen throne - and her new husband is the rightful heir in hiding.

The power to save the fae is in her hands. But who will save her from a love she vowed never to feel?

A Dance with the Fae Prince is a complete, *stand-alone novel*, inspired by the tales of Psyche and Eros, as well as Cinderella, with a "happily ever after" ending. It's perfect for romantic fantasy readers who enjoyed of A Court of Silver Flames and An Enchantment of Ravens. A Dance with the Fae Prince features a slow-burn romance, swoon-worthy couple, and steaminess that ranges from simmering to sizzling.


A Dance with the Fae Prince was initially titled “A Dance with the Fae Rogue.” The title changed a few months before its release.


Edições (1)

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A Dance with the Fae Prince


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Resenhas para A Dance with the Fae Prince (44)

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Ruim, mas já li piores
on 19/10/22

Esse livro me matou lentamente, é chato pra 🤬 #$%!& e o plot dele é o que eu imaginei DESDE o começo, então não teve surpresa nenhuma. Achei os protagonistas chatíssimos, o romance entre eles não teve química nenhuma, achei tudo engessado, mal elaborado, de dar muito sono, eu realmente terminei isso porque eu gostei muito de A Deal With the Elf King e pensei que tinha uma chance de ser tão bom quanto. Muito longe disso, esse livro foi uó.... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.7 / 235
ranking 26
ranking 43
ranking 22
ranking 9
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
16/03/2021 23:55:40
editou em:
19/09/2022 11:01:38

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