Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland Lewis Carroll


Alice in Wonderland (Royal Collector's Edition #Illustrate)

Journey with Alice down the rabbit hole into a world of wonder where oddities, logic and wordplay rule supreme. Encounter characters like the grinning Cheshire Cat who can vanish into thin air, the cryptic Mad Hatter who speaks in riddles and the harrowing Queen of Hearts obsessed with the phrase "Off with their heads!" This is a land where rules have no boundaries, eating mushrooms will make you grow or shrink, croquet is played with flamingos and hedgehogs, and exorbitant trials are held for the theft of tarts. Amidst these absurdities, Alice will have to find her own way home.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland began as a story told to three little girls in a rowboat, near Oxford. Ten year old Alice Liddell asked to have the story written down and two years later it was published with immediate success. Carroll's unique play on logic has undoubtedly led to its lasting appeal to adults while remaining one of the most beloved children's tales of all time. This edition is complete with all 42 original illustrations by Sir John Tenniel.

This case laminate collector's edition includes a Victorian-inspired dust-jacket.

Ficção / Infantojuvenil / Literatura Estrangeira

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"Aqui somos todos loucos.Eu sou louco. Você é louca."
on 28/7/20

Os livros proporcionam experiencias diferentes em cada um de seus leitores, por isso sempre tem quem goste, e quem não goste. Já li Alice em várias edições diferentes, e juro que tento gostar dessa obra. O livro é bom, um clássico, e isso é um fato. Porém não consigo gostar, a leitura é sempre empurrada, os diálogos são estranhamente bons, porém não me prendem. A escrita nonsense não me agrada, mas não posso negar que é um livro bom, eu só não consigo gostar dele. Seria tão mais ... leia mais

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Avaliações 4.1 / 49.878
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