Qiang Jin Jiu

Qiang Jin Jiu Tang JiuQing


Qiang Jin Jiu

The Complete Series - Books 1, 2 and 3

The six prefectures of Zhongbo were offered to foreign enemies on a silver platter, and Shen Zechuan was taken into custody in the capital, reduced to a drowning dog* loathed and condemned by all. Xiao Chiye followed the scent of the furor and made his way over. But instead of setting others on him, he kicked Shen Zechuan with his very own leg, rendering the latter an invalid. Who would expect this invalid to turn around and bite him in a counterattack until he was all drenched in blood? That was the start of an epic feud between both men who tore at each other every time they come face-to-face with one another.

"Fate wants to bind me here for life, but this is not the path I choose. The yellow dust submerged my brothers deep under. I have no wish to bow in submission to an illusory fate. The imperial edict can't save my troops, and the imperial court can't fill the stomachs of my mounts. I'm no longer willing to lay down my life for this purpose. I want to surmount that mountain. I am going to fight for myself."

LGBT / GLS / Ficção

Edições (4)

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Qiang Jin Jiu
Qiang Jin Jiu
Qiang Jin Jiu
Qiang Jin Jiu


(19) ver mais
Qiang Jin Jiu
Mo Dao Zu Shi #3
Mo Dao Zu Shi #1
Golden Stage

Resenhas para Qiang Jin Jiu (23)

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Aqui é cobra engolindo cobra!!
on 18/9/22

Mds como demorei tanto pra ler esse danmei??? Eu simplesmente AMO uma intriga política (se for palaciana então, me ganha na hora kkkkkkk sim ok? eu adoro acompanhar uma intriga!! *Fictícia tá?*), e essa história tem um prato cheio sobre isso. Os protagonistas se aproximaram um pouco rápido demais (minha opinião), mas nada que tenha afetado drasticamente o enredo. Aqui nesse primeiro vol, tem um pouco de tudo que a sociedade mundana tem: falsidade, corrupção, golpe, traição, facada, mo... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
10/01/2022 11:24:06
editou em:
05/02/2022 14:37:06

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