The Box in the Woods

The Box in the Woods Maureen Johnson


The Box in the Woods (Truly Devious #4)

Stevie Bell did it. She solved the greatest unsolved mystery of the century. So, what now?

Figuring it all out—the truth behind Truly Devious and what exactly happened in the Ellingham Affair—has granted Stevie Bell a bit of celebrity in the true crime community. So she’s not surprised when she gets an email from the man who owns Camp Bounty Lake (now called Camp Wonder Falls), the site of the infamous “Box in the Woods” murders from the 1970s.

Weird things are happening at the camp again, although nothing as sinister as before. No murders, no bodies posed by the mysterious figure they called The Doll Collector. But there is a threatening message chalked across a wall. And a box has appeared, with three grisly dolls inside it.

Stevie accepts a job as a camp counselor so she can figure out what’s going on. She recruits her friends from Ellingham—Nate, Janelle, and Vi—to become counselors, too, and even Germaine Batt turns up. Not long after they arrive, the owner of the camp dies in a suspicious hiking accident.

Once again, Stevie will have to solve a cold case from the past before a killer catches up with her in the present.

Aventura / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (2)

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The Box in the Woods


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Truly Devious
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Resenhas para The Box in the Woods (22)

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on 29/5/22

Eu nunca vou ser a pessoa que vai adivinhar o culpado nas histórias de mistério então eu fiquei SUPER surpresa com a resolução, também foi ótimo rever os personagens, achei que talvez esse livro não fosse ser tão bom quanto os 3 primeiros mas foi demais, consigo facilmente ver essa série se transformando naquelas séries de livros enormes e eu sinceramente não iria reclamar. P.s: o romance David x Stevie é uma fofura e funciona muito bem pra mim, acho que eles se entendem perfeitamente... leia mais


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31/08/2020 21:49:16

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