The Dare

The Dare Elle Kennedy


The Dare (Briar U #4)

College was supposed to be my chance to get over my ugly-duckling complex and spread my wings. Instead, I wound up in a sorority full of mean girls. I already have a hard time fitting in, so when my Kappa Chi sisters issue the challenge, I can’t say no. The dare: seduce the hottest new hockey player in the junior class.

Conor Edwards is a regular at Greek Row parties… and in Greek Row sorority beds. He’s the one you fall for before you learn that guys like him don’t give girls like me a second glance. Except Mr. Popular throws me for a loop - rather than laughing in my face, he does me a solid by letting me take him upstairs to pretend we’re getting busy.

Even crazier, now he wants to keep pretending. Turns out Conor loves games, and he thinks it’s fun to pull the wool over my frenemies’ eyes. But resisting his easy charm and surfer-boy hotness is darn near impossible. Though I’m realizing there’s much more to Conor’s story than his fan club can see.

And the longer this silly ruse goes on, the greater the danger of it all blowing up in my face.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (2)

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The Dare (Briar U #4)
The Dare


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The Dare

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O melhor!
on 6/7/20

Que livro, meus amigos! Eu fiquei ansiosa quando soube que teria um livro sobre o Conor, porque já tinha amado ele anteriormente, e acho que por isso posso dizer que esse, foi pra mim o melhor livro de toda a série. O que mais amo nos livros da Elle é que ela cria personagens reais. Com vidas reais, problemas pessoais, familiares entre outros. Em muitos momentos eu me vi na Taylor, com as inseguranças dela. E isso me fez ter uma conexão muito forte com a história e os personagens. A... leia mais


Avaliações 3.8 / 3.133
ranking 35
ranking 36
ranking 22
ranking 6
ranking 1



João gregorio
cadastrou em:
04/04/2020 00:11:45
editou em:
16/07/2020 19:52:39

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