Hunting Prince Dracula

Hunting Prince Dracula Kerri Maniscalco


Hunting Prince Dracula (Stalking Jack The Ripper #2)

Capa Dura

Audrey Rose Wadsworth is far from being a typical Victorian-era damsel in distress. With a scalpel in hand and a clinical eye to decipher the secrets of the dead, she was a key player in solving the case of Jack the Ripper. Now, another serial killer threatens to spread terror - as he drains every drop of blood from his victims.
Readers in love with mysteries and adventures roamed London's dark alleys in Trail of Blood: Jack the Ripper. And they asked for more. After all, good stories usually make anyone thirsty. In Rastro de Sangue: Príncipe Dracula, new launch of the DarkLide line by DarkSide® Books, thirst is the main ingredient.
Audrey Rose - accompanied by Thomas Cresswell, her uncle's irritating yet charming apprentice - embarks on a journey into the dark heart of Romania, home to one of the best forensic medicine academies in Europe ... and also the terrible Vlad the Impaler, whose thirst for blood became legend and turned his castle into a den of horrors.
When bodies appear completely drained inside the academy, defying logic and reason, Audrey Rose must face the ghosts of the past to follow her investigative nose. But time is pressing, and anyone can be the next victim.
The second book in the Rastro de Sangue series is the perfect combination of historical fiction, mystery, romance and girl power. While guiding the reader through yet another breathtaking investigation, Kerri Maniscalco introduces new captivating characters, deepens the relationship between those we already know and leaves clues to what is to come in the next books.
All of this in a gothic setting that honors the works of the masters Edgar Allan Poe and Bram Stoker, not to mention the scenes of forensic medicine that come close to the books of the Crime Scene line, such as Archives Serial Killers and The Secret of the Bodies. Also recommended for lovers of csi, mindhunter and the gothic horror of Penny Dreadful.
Blood Trail: Prince Dracula is the second book in a series of four volumes. And the edition is tailor-made for demanding DarkSide® readers, with a hardcover, ribbon marker and the right doses of adventure and romance that only DarkLove titles can provide. Are you ready to hear the howling winds of Dracula's castle and unravel its secrets?

Ficção / Horror / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira / Suspense e Mistério / Terror

Edições (3)

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Hunting Prince Dracula
Hunting Prince Dracula
Hunting Prince Dracula


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on 11/9/20

infinitamente melhor que o primeiro apesar de ter dado a mesma nota, mas dessa vez foi como um todo, não só pelos personagens principais! essa história foi tão mais interessante e tão mais bem desenvolvida que me deixa sem fôlego, a relação deles dois é tão linda que achei que eu fosse morrer em alguns momentos, não tô blefando quando falo que queria namorar com eles. amei o fato da segurança da audrey rose e como ela foi bem escrita nesse livro, superando traumas e dores. thomas só me... leia mais


Avaliações 4.4 / 171
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Sarah Warman/ @travelholic_sarah
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