Live Girls

Live Girls Ray Garton


Live Girls

(The Horror of Ray Garton Book 1) (English Edition)

The garish neon lights of New York City’s Times Square can be very seductive. And so can the promises of dark pleasures on the seedier side streets. To Davey Owen, the lure of a glowing sign advertising “Live Girls” was too hard to resist. He was looking for a little entertainment. He found instead a nightmare in the form of a beautiful but strangely pale woman. A woman who offers him passion, ecstasy— and eternal life—but takes in exchange his lifeblood and his very soul.

It's scary, it's involving, and it’s also mature and thoughtful.”
— Stephen King on Dark Channel

“The most nightmarish vampire story I have ever read.”
— Ramsey Campbell

“Garton never fails to go for the throat!”
— Richard Laymom

“Garton has a flair for taking veteran horror theiries and twisting them to evocative or entertaining effect.”
— Publishers Weekly

“Ray Garton has consistently created some of the best horror ever set to print.”
— Cemetery Dance

Edições (4)

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Live Girls
Live Girls
Live Girls
Live Girls


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Eyes without a face
2 weeks, 1 day ago

Vampire Book #36 This was a fun and sleazy journey through the old New York and a good introduction to Ray Garton's works. The setting is a perfect fit for a vampire novel, taking place in New York in the 80s during the long-gone seedy side of the city, filled with sex, drugs, and filth. That was what drew my attention to this book. The characters were well-written, though some of them lacked depth, and some were really annoying but still well-written (our main character, lol). ... leia mais


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Ren Saint
cadastrou em:
10/05/2024 13:07:40
Ren Saint
editou em:
10/05/2024 13:08:22

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