Little Women

Little Women Louisa May Alcott


Little Women

Meg is the eldest and on the brink of love. Then there’s tomboy Jo who longs to be a writer. Sweet-natured Beth always puts others first, and finally there’s Amy, the youngest and most precocious. Together they are the March sisters. Even though money is short, times are tough and their father is away at war, their infectious sense of fun sweeps everyone up in their adventures — including Laurie, the boy next door. And through sisterly squabbles, their happy times and sad ones too, the sisters discover that growing up is sometimes very hard to do.
Based on Louisa May Alcott’s childhood, this lively portrait of nineteenth-century family life possesses a lasting vitality that has endeared it to generations of readers.

A wonderful story... As a child, I strongly identified with Jo because she is a writer. —Jacqueline Wilson
The American female myth. —Madelon Bedell
It is an essential American novel, perhaps the essential American novel for girls… Girls come to it on their own. —Jane Smiley
In “Little Women”, Alcott anticipated realism by twenty or thirty years. —G. K. Chesterton

Literatura Estrangeira / Ficção / Romance / Drama

Edições (65)

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Riqueza ao alcance de todos!
on 1/1/11

Uma história simples, sem grandes pretensões, porém cheia de importantes lições! Em uma família bastante humilde, uma mãe assume o difícil encargo de cuidar sozinha de suas quatro filhas. Esta mãe, dotada de infinita sabedoria, nos ensina que o amor que une família e amigos é a maior riqueza que podemos ter, pois há muitas pessoas ricas materialmente, porém paupérrimas em sua existência, assombradas pela solidão, áridas de afeto. Ela nos ensina que a cooperação, o perdão e a caridade s... leia mais


Avaliações 4.1 / 1.167
ranking 44
ranking 35
ranking 16
ranking 4
ranking 1



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30/01/2020 11:15:23

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