Leviathan Wakes

Leviathan Wakes James S. A. Corey


Leviathan Wakes (The Expanse #1)

Humanity has colonized the solar system - Mars, the Moon, the Asteroid Belt and beyond - but the stars are still out of our reach.

Jim Holden is XO of an ice miner making runs from the rings of Saturn to the mining stations of the Belt. When he and his crew stumble upon a derelict ship, "The Scopuli," they find themselves in possession of a secret they never wanted. A secret that someone is willing to kill for - and kill on a scale unfathomable to Jim and his crew. War is brewing in the system unless he can find out who left the ship and why.

Detective Miller is looking for a girl. One girl in a system of billions, but her parents have money and money talks. When the trail leads him to "The Scopuli" and rebel sympathizer Holden, he realizes that this girl may be the key to everything.

Holden and Miller must thread the needle between the Earth government, the Outer Planet revolutionaries, and secretive corporations - and the odds are against them. But out in the Belt, the rules are different, and one small ship can change the fate of the universe.

Ficção científica / Aventura / Drama / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (4)

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Leviathan Wakes
Leviathan Wakes
Leviathan Wakes
Leviathan Wakes


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Resenhas para Leviathan Wakes (12)

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on 26/3/21

Dada a excelência da série de TV (que eu simplesmente venero), estaria mentindo se dissesse que não esperava o mesmo do livro que foi a origem de tudo, não é mesmo? E assim, esse primeiro volume não decepcionou em nada! A leitura é bastante ágil e apesar de na série ter mais perspectivas de outros personagens, aqui é basicamente uma narrativa com apenas dois pontos de vista: Holden e Miller. E eu achei isso incrível pois eles são aqueles casos em que ambos tem personalidades bem op... leia mais

Vídeos Leviathan Wakes (1)

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Avaliações 4.3 / 141
ranking 52
ranking 40
ranking 6
ranking 1
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Filipe Faria
cadastrou em:
14/07/2018 15:10:55
editou em:
28/12/2022 18:53:47

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