Level 26 - Dark Origins

Level 26 - Dark Origins Anthony E. Zuiker...


Level 26 - Dark Origins

Dear Reader,

Welcome to the Dark side.

The first television script I ever wrote was CSI. Almost overnight, the CSI franchise surpassed my wildest dreams and became a cultural phenomenon. And now, I am extremely pleased to announce my next project, Level 26: Dark Origins. Level 26 takes the best features of books, film, and interactive digital technologies and rolls them all into a unique storytelling experience we’re calling the world’s first “Digi-Novel™.”

Level 26: Dark Origins features Steve Dark, the ultimate crime scene tactician on the tail of a killer so brutal law enforcement has invented a new classification of evil to account for him. Dark Origins can be read on the beach or on an airplane without any digital access . . . but where the traditional story ends, a deeper level of immersion is available at www.level26.com, exclusively to readers of the book. About every twenty pages, you will have the option of logging in to experience a digital cyber-bridge—a three-minute motion picture scene with A-list actors you might’ve seen in blockbuster films and award winning TV shows. Before your eyes, the characters will spring to life, crime scene details will explode off the screen, and the Web site might even ask for a phone number—where the killer can reach you directly. You might call it CSI with an edge.

Level 26 is not just something you read. It’s an experience. Read, watch, log in. Enjoy!

Anthony E. Zuiker

Edições (2)

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Level 26 - Dark Origins
Level 26 - Dark Origins


Resenhas para Level 26 - Dark Origins (3)

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tenebroso, resumindo
on 24/9/22

sinceramente, dark origins é uma das coisas mais pavorosas que eu já li. se fez muito útil para expandir mais ainda meu vocabulário inglês (conhecimento nunca é pouco), mas houveram momentos que precisei fechar o livro e respirar um pouco. sem exageros, há vários momentos sinistros demais no livro, cenas que instigam medo e até mesmo paranoia. apesar de tudo, é sensacional. asqueroso, nojento, infame, assustador e sensacional. meus parabéns pro LOUCO que escreveu esse livro, precisa de... leia mais


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Erica Kodaira
cadastrou em:
21/10/2010 09:45:56

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