Let Your Hearts Be Light

Let Your Hearts Be Light Fae Quin


Let Your Hearts Be Light

A stranger is just someone you haven’t been forced to spend Christmas with yet.

Baxter: As a 42-year-old single father the last thing I expected before Christmas was for my daughter to sign me up for a community matchmaking event. The Christmas Buddies program becomes a challenge I can’t wait to overcome when I realize the man that has been assigned as my buddy for the holiday season is none other than Paxton Montgomery. He’s massive, grumpy, incredibly gorgeous (in a lumberjack kinda way), and also—weirdly enough—the only person in town who doesn’t like me. Can I change Paxton’s tune by the end of the holiday season? Or am I destined to spend yet another Christmas craving companionship and someone to hold my head up before I drown in the stress of my broken bakery?

Paxton: I’m not a people person. I know this about myself and I am at peace with it. The only exception I have is my son. He’s the most important person in the entire world to me. So I had no choice but to go along with his scheme as he rigs the Christmas Buddy drawing so we can spend the holiday season with the girl he’s had a crush on since junior high. The only catch: her father is a crucial part of the bargain. Can I survive the holiday season with sunshine golden boy Baxter bombarding me with his jokes and his too-bright smiles? Or will I succumb to my dark desires and strangle the grin right off his too-pretty face?

Let Your Heart Be Light! Is a standalone slow burn Holiday MM romance with high heat, a HEA, and no cliffhangers. It features a relationship between two adorable single fathers as they navigate the Holiday season. Together they’re warm, young, and tooth-achingly sweet. If you like funny stories with too many dad jokes, Christmas magic, grumpy x sunshine, and lots of steam then read on!


Edições (1)

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Let Your Hearts Be Light


Resenhas para Let Your Hearts Be Light (2)

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on 26/1/24

Meu primeiro livro dessa autora e amei. constrói a relação entre dois homens solteiros com filhos adolescentes, é um livro bem leve e rápido sem muitas tramas complexas. me apaixonei por essa família e recomendo muito o livro para os fãs de temática natalina.... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.4 / 19
ranking 68
ranking 16
ranking 11
ranking 5
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cadastrou em:
09/12/2022 20:19:26
editou em:
09/12/2022 20:20:48

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