Leave the World Behind

Leave the World Behind Rumaan Alam


Leave the World Behind

Amanda and Clay head to a remote corner of Long Island expecting a holiday: a quiet reprieve from life in New York City, quality time with their teenage son and daughter, and a taste of the good life in the luxurious home they've rented for the week. But a late-night knock on the door breaks the spell. Ruth and G. H. are an older couple - it's their house, and they've arrived in a panic. They bring the news that a sudden blackout has swept the city. But in this rural area - with the TV and internet now down, and no phone service - it's hard to know what to believe.

Should Amanda and Clay trust this couple - and vice versa? What happened back in New York? Is the holiday home, isolated from civilisation, a truly safe place for their families? And are they safe from one another?

Suspenseful and provocative, Rumaan Alam's third novel is keenly attuned to the complexities of parenthood, race, and class. Leave the World Behind explores how our closest bonds are reshaped - and unexpected new ones are forged - in moments of crisis.

Ficção / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (2)

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Leave the World Behind
Leave the World Behind


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O mundo depois de nós

Resenhas para Leave the World Behind (3)

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devia ser um conto
on 29/3/22

cheio de enrolação, nesse livro temos a introdução pra um mundo pós apocalíptico, mas nada se explica sobre o que causou o apocalipse e mostram muito pouco sobre os efeitos dele. não acho que era necessário escrever um livro sobre como as pessoas ficam com medo quando não sabem que algo enorme tá acontecendo: isso é óbvio. porém, não posso ser injusta e não falar que fiquei apreensiva em certas partes, que eram bem de thriller, pena que não levaram a lugar nenhum... leia mais


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Avaliações 2.6 / 44
ranking 2
ranking 16
ranking 39
ranking 41
ranking 2



Pedro S.
cadastrou em:
07/01/2021 16:18:53
Pedro S.
editou em:
07/01/2021 16:20:18