Last of the Talons

Last of the Talons Sophie Kim


Last of the Talons (Talon #1)

Epic Reads Pick for The 30 Must-Read YA Books for the Rest of 2022

BookRiot Pick for 12 Amazing Asia-Inspired Fantasy Books

"Last of the Talons is a stunning blend of dark romance and Korean mythology. Sophie Kim writes enemies to lovers with heart-pounding intensity, blurring the line between love and hate. Bloodthirsty, addictive, and searingly romantic." --Axie Oh, New York Times bestselling author of The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea

After the destruction of her entire Talon gang, eighteen-year-old Shin Lina--the Reaper of Sunpo--is forced to become a living, breathing weapon for the kingdom's most-feared crime lord. All that keeps her from turning on her ruthless master is the life of her beloved little sister hanging in the balance. But the order to steal a priceless tapestry from a Dokkaebi temple incites not only the wrath of a legendary immortal, but the beginning of an unwinnable game...

Suddenly Lina finds herself in the dreamlike realm of the Dokkaebi, her fate in the hands of its cruel and captivating emperor. But she can win her life--if she kills him first.

Now a terrible game of life and death has begun, and even Lina's swift, precise blade is no match for the magnetic Haneul Rui. Lina will have to use every weapon in her arsenal if she wants to outplay this cunning king and save her sister...all before the final grain of sand leaks out of the hourglass.

Because one way or another, she'll take Rui's heart.

Even if it means giving up her own.

Fantasia / Ficção científica / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Last of the Talons


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on 13/1/23

Esse livro... ah! Esse livro. Simplesmente excepcional o trabalho que a Sophie Kim fez com ele. Ela realmente sabia o que estava fazendo quando decidiu escrever essa obra prima. Inicalmente procurei o livro por ser um enemies to lovers com representação asiática, com o intuito de me expor mais a esses temas, mas The Last of the Talons me entregou muito mais do que eu imaginava. Extremamente brilhante, o livro foi capaz de garantir tudo o que se deve ter em um livro (na minha humilde op... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.5 / 3
ranking 67
ranking 33
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cadastrou em:
30/08/2022 00:26:55
editou em:
30/08/2022 00:27:41

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