Last Breath

Last Breath Jill Myles, Jessica Clare
Jen Frederick
Jessica Clare


Last Breath (Hitman #2)

Regan Porter, Daniel Hays


I never really knew what misery was until the day I was kidnapped and sold for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Two months later, I'm at a brothel in Rio when I meet Daniel Hays. He says he's here to save me, but can I trust him? All I know of him are his sarcastic retorts and his tendency to solve every dispute with his gun. He's also the only safe thing in my world, and I know it's wrong to fall in love with him, but I can't seem to help myself. He says he’ll protect me until his last breath but I don’t know if I should believe him or even if I can.


For the last eighteen months, I’ve had one goal: to find my kidnapped sister. I’ve left the Army, turned paid hit man, and have befriended criminals all across the globe. In every brothel I raid or every human trafficking truck I stop, her face is the one I’m desperate to see. In Rio, I find Regan Porter, bruised but not broken and still sane despite her weeks in hell. I should leave her behind or send her home because the last thing either of us needs is to get involved. But with every passing minute, I find I can’t let her go.

Erótico / Romance

Edições (1)

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Last Breath


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Last Gift
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Alerta de Estereótipos
on 28/4/19

Primeiro tenho que confessar que, apesar do título, eu gostei do livro. Mas não pude deixar de me sentir estereotipada com algumas descrições. Soou como se em toda favela tivesse um bordel na esquina. Sim, o Brasil tem muita prostituição, favelas e violência. Senti que a autora só via o Brasil como isso. Mas fora tudo isso, o livro é bom. Tem uma história boa e é bem escrito e desenvolvido. Indo ler os próximos ?... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.9 / 40
ranking 30
ranking 53
ranking 13
ranking 3
ranking 3



editou em:
17/02/2023 05:07:57

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