Laid Bare

Laid Bare Jesse Fink


Laid Bare

If you've had your heart broken/been on the dating scene/had sex, read Laid Bare. Unputdownable.' Kerri Sackville, author of The Little Book of Anxiety on LAID BARE A nakedly honest account of one man's emotional and mental oblivion after separation and divorce. And how online dating and sex saved him from despair. Jesse Fink never thought it would happen to him. But it did. His wife of ten years and mother of his child walked out on him and into the arms of another man. In that moment he lost his best friend, his soul mate, his family, his identity. His wife's new lover even got his dog. What came next was a freefall of the soul that would take him from contemplating cutting his wrists to sleeping with hundreds of women. He jumped headlong into the brutal and sometimes dangerous world of online dating. He visited brothels and massage parlours. He fell for a prostitute. He flew off to Hollywood to connect with a beautiful woman he met online and found himself in the kitchen of the real-life Bridget Jones. With remarkable frankness, Jesse opens up about his complicity in the failure of his marriage, his battles with OCD, his struggles as a single dad, his sex addiction and his desperate desire to find love. He shares it all - the good, the bad and the ugly. His chance at personal salvation finally comes in the unconditional love of his eight-year-old daughter. Next time, if he pays attention, he might just get it right. PRAISE for LAID BARE 'A great book' Australian Penthouse 'X-rated, honest and compelling, this is a must-read for any man dating online.' Men's Health 'Raw as hell. Love as an open scar. A book with heart that rings with truth. Fink's on his way.' Thomas Jane, star of HUNG 'Fink, an awarded sports journalist, is an excellent writer and storyteller and his book is compelling reading.' The Daily Telegraph (Sydney) and The Courier-Mail (Brisbane)

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