Lady Harriette

Lady Harriette P. O. Dixon


Lady Harriette

PRIDE AND PREJUDICE UNTOLD SERIES (BOOK 3) Do You Love Regency Romance Stories with a Hint of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice? Lady Harriette: Fitzwilliam's Heart and Soul is a fast-paced, wonderfully engaging Regency romance. Inspired by To Have His Cake (and Eat it Too): Mr. Darcy's Tale, the provocative Pride and Prejudice variation, this story has all the passion you might expect of a worldly gentleman violently in love, along with enough mischief and intrigue to keep you turning the pages. Featuring: Lady Harriette Fitzwilliam Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam Fitzwilliam Darcy Elizabeth Darcy (née Elizabeth Bennet) Readers Said: While keeping the beloved Pride and Pride story in motion and being respectful of the Austen characters we adore, Dixon creates a continuing tale with romance and intrigue. Erlynn K. - Books Hug Back Another amazingly well written story by Ms. Dixon that's sure to become a classic in its own right! Liz C. - Liz's Darcy Filled World Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam enjoyed making light of Darcy's deep affection for Miss Elizabeth Bennet in what seemed destined to be an unrequited love. After Darcy won Elizabeth's heart and made her his wife, Richard continued his wont of taunting his love-sick friend. Now, the proverbial shoe is on the other foot. It's Darcy's turn to make light of Richard's struggles to prove himself worthy of pleasing the woman in his life. Can Richard stay true to his purpose or will the worrisome winds of ill fate intervene? Other Books by Author P O Dixon: By Reason, by Reflection, by Everything Impertinent Strangers Bewitched, Body and Soul: Miss Elizabeth Bennet To Have His Cake (and Eat it Too) A Lasting Love Affair: Darcy and Elizabeth Still a Young Man: Darcy is in Love He Taught Me to Hope: Darcy and the Young Knight's Quest KEYWORDS: historical Regency romance, historical romance books, Pride and Prejudice variation, Mr Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet fan fiction, Jane Austen fan fiction, Jane Austen fanfiction, Jane Austen, 18th century historical romance, Jane Austen inspired books, England Regency historical fiction Britain, Longbourn, Netherfield, Meryton, Pride and Prejudice sequel, Darcy and Elizabeth, Mr Darcy, Elizabeth Bennet, Jane Austen Fan Fiction, Jane Austen Fanfiction, Jane Austen variation, Austenesque

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