
Krull Alan Dean Foster


Krull (Livros de Bolso -- Série Ficção Científica #65)

Além da Imaginação

Vêm do espaço... A FORTALEZA NEGRA! Um mundo anos-luz além da nossa imaginação...
Quem se erguerá para defender o povo? Quem desafiará o Monstro de olhos vermelhos que vive na Fortaleza?
Um homem tem a ousadia -- Colwyn, um jovem rei armado com o Gládio -- arma lendária de poderes fenomenais.
Um bando de foras-da-lei brigões, há pouco libertados de suas correntes, vai se juntar à missão; Ynyr, o velho sábio que o guia até a Fortaleza Negra; um Ciclope com um segredo doloroso; Ergo, o Magnífico, um mágo atrapalhado, mas com um grande coração; um vidente idoso; e um rapaz corajoso. Colwyn, cuja noiva, cativa do Monstro, luta desesperadamente para resistir ao seu maligno abraço… |...| No planeta Krull, o príncipe Colwyn inicia uma jornada rumo à fortaleza dos Invasores alienígenas que seqüestraram sua noiva e pretendem controlar o mundo. |...| Novelização do roteiro do filme Krull -- Romance de Alan Dean Foster baseado num argumento de Stanford Sherman. Ilustração para a capa e fotogramas coloridos para extratextos gentilmente cedidos pela Columbia / Warner Pictures. === Disponível no link: ===
|...| [Wikipedia] A narrator describes a prophecy regarding "a girl of ancient name that shall become queen, that she shall choose a king, and that together they shall rule their world, and that their son shall rule the galaxy".
The planet Krull is invaded by an entity known as "The Beast" and his army of "Slayers", who travel the galaxy in a mountain-like spaceship called the Black Fortress. In a ceremony involving exchanging a handful of flame between the newlyweds, Prince Colwyn and Princess Lyssa attempt to marry and form an alliance between their rival kingdoms in the hope that their combined forces can defeat the Beast's army. A prophecy foretells that Lyssa will bear a child destined to rule the galaxy. The Beast has his Slayers attack the wedding before it is concluded. The castle of Lyssa's father, King Eirig, is destroyed and the Kings are murdered. The Kingdoms' armies are devastated and the princess is kidnapped.
Colwyn, the only survivor, is found and nursed by Ynyr, the Old One. Colwyn sets out to rescue Lyssa, but Ynyr tells him in order to defeat the Beast he must find the "Glaive", an ancient, magical, five-pointed throwing weapon with retractable blades which Colwyn retrieves from a high mountain cave. He learns from Ynyr that he must also track down the Black Fortress, which teleports to a new location every day at sunrise. As they travel Colwyn and Ynyr are joined by an accident-prone magician, Ergo "the Magnificent", and a band of nine fugitives led by Torquil. Colwyn enlists the convicts' aid and in return offers them their freedom as their reward. Torquil's group of thieves, fighters, bandits and brawlers include Kegan, Rhun, Oswyn, Bardolph, Menno, Darro, Nennog, and Quain, who each has minor, notable roles in the story. The cyclops Rell, who possesses the ability to know when his time of death arrives, also joins the group after first following them from a distance.
To help them find the Black Fortress, Colwyn's small army travels to the home of the blind Emerald Seer, and his young apprentice Titch. The Emerald seer uses his emerald crystal to try and view where the fortress will rise but the beast's hand rises out of nowhere and crushes the crystal before the group can discover the location. The Emerald Seer tells the group that the only place where the beast's power cannot overcome his vision is a place in the swamp. Ynyr persuades the Emerald Seer to go to the swamp with them....

Fantasia / Ficção / Aventura

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Relembrando a infância
on 23/4/23

Adorei poder voltar no tempo e ler sobre um dos meus filmes favoritos quando era pequena. Porém fiquei frustrada em saber que diferente do habitual, o livro foi escrito a partir do filme. Acho que o autor perdeu muuito em apenas transcrever o filme, ao invés de alimentar a história com melhores descrições e detalhes. Com certeza esse seria um livro de, pelo menos, 400 páginas. Ótimo para relembrar, porém o autor pecou em não aprofundar a história. ?... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.1 / 18
ranking 39
ranking 44
ranking 11
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ranking 6



cadastrou em:
19/03/2012 23:49:57
editou em:
17/01/2015 05:06:57