Kristin Hannah

Kristin Hannah's Family Matters 4-Book Bundle Kristin Hannah


Kristin Hannah's Family Matters 4-Book Bundle

#1 New York Times bestselling author Kristin Hannah is superb at delving into her main characters psyches and delineating nuances of feeling (The Washington Post Book World). The novels in this eBook bundle contain some of her most beloved characters in stories that explore the resilience of the human spirit, the triumph of hope, and the meaning of home: ANGEL FALLS An all-night reading affairyou wont be able to put it down. . . . [Angel Falls will] make you laugh and cry.New York Post When Mikaela Campbell, beloved wife and mother, falls into a coma, it is up to her husband, Liam, to hold the family together and care for their grieving, frightened children. Every day he sits at Mikaelas bedside, hoping against hope that she will wake up. But then he discovers his wifes secret past: a hidden first marriage to movie star Julian True. Desperate to bring Mikaela back at any cost, Liam must turn to Julian for help. But will that choice cost Liam his wife, his family, and everything he holds dear? BETWEEN SISTERS Enormously entertaining . . . Hannah has a nice ear for dialogue and a knack for getting the reader inside characters heads.The Seattle Times Twenty-seven years ago Meghann Dontess was forced to make a terrible choice, one that cost her the love of her sister, Claire. Now, Meghann is a hotshot divorce attorney who doesnt believe in much of anything. She is surprised when her sister calls out of the blue to say she is engaged. Meghann knows this is her chance to reconnect with her sister. She offers to plan the ceremony, but Claire knows that pleasing her judgmental sister is almost impossible. Nothing seems to work between them . . . until tragedy strikes. At last, these two sisters with nothing in common will have to become what they never were: a family. THE THINGS WE DO FOR LOVE Hannah captures the joy and heartache of family as she draws the reader into the lives of her characters and makes them feel like personal friends.Booklist Years of trying unsuccessfully to conceive a child have broken more than Angie DeSarias heart. Following a painful divorce, she moves back to her hometown, where life rises and falls like the tides, to manage her familys restaurant. Her fortune changes yet again when she hires Lauren Ribido. Angie sees something special in the troubled seventeen-year-oldand when Laurens mother abandons her, Angie offers the girl a place to stay. But nothing could have prepared Angie for the far-reaching repercussions of this act of kindness. MAGIC HOUR A wonderful novelwild, radiant, and vivid.Luanne Rice From deep within the Olympic National Forestnearly a million acres of impenetrable darknessa six-year-old girl appears, wild-looking and alone. Child psychiatrist Dr. Julia Cates is determined to free the extraordinary girl she calls Alice from a prison of unimaginable isolation. The child cant speak and seems to have never been around people. As Julia seeks to help Alice, she discovers who the child is. The shocking facts about Alices past test the limits of Julias faith and strength, even as she struggles to make a home for Aliceand for herself.

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