
Kane L.A. Casey


Kane (Slater Brothers #3)

What Kane needs... Kane takes.

Aideen Collins is a free spirit. She is outspoken and tough as nails, but she has to be after growing up in a house full of men. Family means everything to Aideen. Her family consists of her four brothers, her father, and her group of wild friends. Aideen is protective of her family, there is not a lot she wouldn’t do to keep them safe.

Kane Slater is a tortured soul. Literally. He is misunderstood by people, even feared by them thanks to the scars that mar his face and body. He relishes in their fear because people who fear you, won’t want to know you. He likes his circle limited to his brothers and their girlfriends, but a thorn from an Irish rose is dug deep into Kane’s side, and her name is Aideen Collins.

Aideen and Kane don’t get along… at all. Aideen is the only woman who stands up to Kane and throws his bullshit back at him without fear of hurting him. Kane is the only man who can see right through Aideen's tough exterior. He knows her deepest, and darkest secrets. They can’t stand each other, but they want each other. Badly. They hide their need behind arguments, and banter, but when Kane drops his guard for all to see, and succumbs to an illness within his body, it’s Aideen who steps up to the plate to take care of him.

An illness is the least of their worries when a devil from Kane’s past comes back to play with him. Everybody in Kane’s life is threatened, and with his body fighting against him, he doesn’t know if the luck of the Irish is enough to keep his family safe and his demons at bay.

Kane needs Aideen, and what Kane needs, Kane takes.

Erótico / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Until Harry

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Kane ( Slater Brothers 3)
on 5/6/15

Eu queria muito ler o Kane. Ainda mais depois de como terminou o livro da Keela. A L. A. Casey deu um susto tremendo nos fãs. Ainda bem que antes de lançar ela já tinha falado que nada do que estávamos pensando ia acontecer. UFA! To com preguiça de escrever, então esse vai ser curto. Se você gostou dos outros livros, vai amar Kane. Tanto o livro quanto a pessoa. Como todo livro dos irmãos Slater, as mulheres são forte e não abaixam cabeça pra ninguém. Nem pra essa familia. Ka... leia mais


Avaliações 4.1 / 1.499
ranking 48
ranking 31
ranking 15
ranking 4
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
12/09/2014 22:16:43
Nina Barb
editou em:
15/02/2017 23:22:24

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