
JÚPITER (Colecção Nébula #100)


[Júpiter (2000) / The Grand Tour Series #9 by Ben Bova] '-' Júpiter é um imenso oceano, dez vezes maior do que o planeta Terra. Aquecido pelo centro abrasador do planeta, é o oceano mais vasto, profundo e assustador do sistema solar. O cientista americano Grant Archer, jovem e idealista, participa numa expedição clandestina que acompanha: ele integra esta expedição como espião da Nova Moralidade, um grupo um grupo religioso que pretende descobrir o que os humanistas ateus conspiram. A sua missão consiste em garantir aos novos líderes religiosos da Terra que Júpiter não seja habitado por qualquer forma de vida inteligente. Porém, sem que a Nova Moralidade de tal suspeite, Grant, embora filho de um pastor, é um crente e um homem que não vê qualquer motivo para que a ciência e a fé não possam coexistir. Viajando pelo imenso oceano de Júpiter, Grant está prestes a revelar aos seus mentores algo que pode destruir as suas convicções...

Jupiter (The Grand Tour #9) by Ben Bova '-' He made planetfall on Venus and all but colonized Mars, so it's not surprising that SF don Ben Bova finally set his sights on our solar system's swirling, red-eyed sovereign.
As with his previous planetary exploration books, Jupiter plants you right in the heart of the action, witness to the speculative science and political intrigue--and in this case, religious machination--that surround a fast-paced, dangerous, and technically fleshed-out mission. Our unlikely hero on this touchdown is an earnest, likeable, hard-working grad student named Grant Archer, a frustrated astrophysicist who's been shanghaied aboard Jupiter's Gold space station to fulfill a ROTC-style public-service commitment. What's worse, this devout young man has been ordered by the New Morality--the American flavor of the conservative religious order that runs Earth nowadays--to spy on some suspicious research involving alleged Jovian life forms.
Bova begins his book with an A.C. Clarke quote: "The rash assertion that 'God made man in His own image' is ticking like a time bomb at the foundation of many faiths." This tells you pretty much everything you need to know about where this book's going, and who, respectively, will be wearing the white and the black hats (unfortunately, some of the characterizations don't get much deeper). That the central protagonist is both a Christian and a scientist makes for some fertile character development, but Bova's not exactly gunning for God here--he's happy just to blast away at narrow-minded ideologues and other assorted religious fanatics. (But that, of course, is about as easy as making teenagers depressed.) --Paul Hughes

|...| Grant Archer only wanted to study astrophysics. But the forces of the "New Morality," the coalition of censorious do-gooders who run 21st-century America, have other plans for him.

To his distress, Grant is torn from his young bride and sent to a research station in orbit around Jupiter, to spy on the scientists who work there. Their work may lead to the discovery of higher life forms in the Jovian system-with implications the New Morality doesn't like at all.

What Grant's would-be controllers don't know is that his loyalty to science may be greater than his desire for a quiet life. But that loyalty will be tested in a mission as dangerous as any ever undertaken-a mission to the middle reaches of Jupiter's endless atmosphere, a place where hydrogen flows as a liquid, and cyclones larger than planets rage for centuries at a time.

What lurks there is more than anyone has counted on...and stranger than anyone could possibly have imagined.

Aventura / Ficção científica / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance / Suspense e Mistério / Distopia

Edições (1)

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20/06/2016 22:32:57
editou em:
20/06/2016 22:47:14

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