Irresistible: Reclaiming the New that Jesus Unleashed for the World (English Edition)

Irresistible: Reclaiming the New that Jesus Unleashed for the World (English Edition) Andy Stanley


Irresistible: Reclaiming the New that Jesus Unleashed for the World (English Edition)

A book for anyone who cares deeply about the future of the church. Once upon a time there was a version of our faith that was practically . . . irresistible. But that was then. Today we preach, teach, write, and communicate as if nothing has changed. As if The Bible says it, still settles it. Its time to hit pause on much of what were doing and consider the faith modeled by our first-century brothers and sisters who had no official Bible, no status, and humanly speaking, little chance of survival. What did they know that we dont? What made their faith so compelling, so defensible, so irresistible? Buckle up . . . youre about to find out. More importantly, Andy will invite you to embrace the version of faith that, against all odds, initiated a chain of events resulting in the most significant and extensive cultural transformation the world has ever seen. A version we must embrace if we are to be salt and light in an increasingly savorless and dark world. More than any other book Ive read in years, Irresistible has stretched my view of Scripture. I cant hear or read a passage from the Old or New Testaments without thinking about Andys provocative insights. If you and I take this book seriously, our lives and our churches will never be the same.Kara Powell, PhD, executive director of the Fuller Youth Institute and coauthor of Growing Young Irresistible is like a once-in-a-generation shot across the bow. Andy Stanley takes a lifetime of accumulated insight and wisdom about the Christian faith, history, and why the church isnt connecting with our current culture, and combines them together in a masterpiece work. Carey Nieuwhof, author and founding pastor, Connexus Church Warning: This book will set you and your ministry backback to the first century and the approach to advancing the gospel modeled by Jesus and the apostles. Andy reminds us that the resurrection was at the center of the first-century apologetic. Then he challenges twenty-first century believers to reclaim it as the center of ours as well. I agree with Andythis approach changed the world once. Im convinced it could do so again. Read and apply now!Frank Turek, Christian author, public speaker, and radio host This book challenged me to rethink my thoughts about the Old Testament, discuss with fellow believers what I was learning, do more connecting and less correcting of others, and be salt and light, making things better and brighter. I love how Andy loves people . . . ALL of them.John Maxwell, author of The 360 Degree Leader Its time for the church to rethink how it presents a timeless gospel to this generation. In Irresistible, Andy Stanley challenges us to make sure we handle the Scriptures with the kind of integrity that compels everyone to seriously consider following Jesus. Any Christian who reads this book will suddenly find themselves embracing the mission of Jesus with a new passion.Reggie Joiner, author; founder and CEO of Orange Andy Stanley takes you on a historic journey to rediscover the first-generation passion of what it means to faithfully follow Christ. This book will knock you off center, push you out of complacency, and reawaken an unshakable faith that cannot be ignored.Craig Groeschel, pastor of Life.Church and author of Hope in the DarkBelieving God Is Good When Life Is Not

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Irresistible: Reclaiming the New that Jesus Unleashed for the World (English Edition)



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