Inked in Lies

Inked in Lies Giana Darling


Inked in Lies (The Fallen Men #5)

From USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestselling author Giana Darling comes a new friends-to-lovers, MC romance about the asshole biker next-door and the girl who loves him...

He moved in next door.
Handsome as sin, older in a way that meant forbidden.
He had tattoos on his hands and wickedness tucked in his grin.
I was a goner as girl to a man they called Casanova for a reason. He would never love me, at least not the way I needed him to.
I tried to move on. But I couldn’t turn my back on him or The Fallen MC.
So when they needed me most, I offered the only thing of value I could use to help them.
My body.
And when helping them meant putting my life on the line, Nova had to decide just how much he was willing to do to get me out alive.

A standalone friends-to-lovers age-gap romance in The Fallen Men series.

Erótico / Romance

Edições (1)

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Inked in Lies


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Sei nem o que dizer!!
on 25/1/21

Eu sabia. Desde a primeira vez que eu vi o Nova, eu sabia que ele iria me destruir. E eu To acabada!! A história dele é da Lila não é fácil, eles tem muita história juntos e é bastante sofrida durante tudo que eles enfrentam quando mais novos. Um amor que nasceu de forma fraternal, mas que muda pois eles são perfeitos juntos. Mas Nova tem esse apelido por um motivo, não somente por encantar todas as mulheres, mas por se esconder atrás dessa fachada. Ele reluta muito contra o sentiment... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 165
ranking 42
ranking 34
ranking 18
ranking 5
ranking 1



Jéssica Freire
cadastrou em:
03/01/2021 21:22:37
editou em:
07/02/2021 23:14:00

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