In Memoriam

In Memoriam Alice Winn


In Memoriam

A gripping, heart-shattering love story between two soldiers in the First World War

It's 1914, and talk of war feels far away to Henry Gaunt, Sidney Ellwood and the rest of their classmates, safely ensconced in their idyllic boarding school in the English countryside. At seventeen, they're too young to enlist, and anyway, Gaunt is fighting his own private battle - an all-consuming infatuation with his best friend, the dreamy, poetic Ellwood - not having a clue that Ellwood is in love with him, always has been. When Gaunt's German mother asks him to enlist as an officer in the British army to protect the family from anti-German attacks, Gaunt signs up immediately, relieved to escape his overwhelming feelings for Ellwood.

The front is horrific, of course, and though Gaunt tries to dissuade Ellwood from joining him on the battlefield, Ellwood soon rushes to join him, spurred on by his love of Greek heroes and romantic poetry. Before long, their classmates have followed suit. Once in the trenches, Ellwood and Gaunt find fleeting moments of solace in one another, but their friends are all dying, right in front of them, and at any moment they could be next.

An epic tale of both the devastating tragedies of war and the forbidden romance that blooms in its grip, In Memoriam is a breathtaking debut.

Ficção / História / LGBT / GLS

Edições (2)

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Resenhas para In Memoriam (2)

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2 days, 19 hours ago

Cara eu to sem palavras pra isso tudo que eu acabei de ler... Eu fiquei encantado e obcecado por essa historia. Tudo ficou perfeito e vívido nos cenários, na ambientação, nos diálogos e nos personagens. A guerra é como um personagem principal disso tudo ao lado de Gaunt e Ellwood, e os três são uma pessoa só. Que final!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A esperança e o amor são tudo que importam no final... E o local que foi escolhido pra isso tudo terminar foi perfeito... hehe.... leia mais


Avaliações 4.5 / 14
ranking 64
ranking 36
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cadastrou em:
28/06/2023 23:22:01
editou em:
28/06/2023 23:22:40

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