I'll Always Be With You Monica Murphy


I'll Always Be With You (Lancaster Prep #4)

New York Times bestselling author Monica Murphy returns to Lancaster Prep with a new enemies to lovers romance...

Weston Fontaine is the hottest senior at Lancaster Prep.

And he knows it.

He's gorgeous. Confident. Smart.

Too smart.

Everyone loves him. He could have any girl on campus, except for one.


I'm a Lancaster, meaning I'm basically untouchable―or so I thought. It's my family who owns this God forsaken private school that I don't want to attend. But according to my parents, I have to endure my senior year at Lancaster Prep before I can return to what I love the most: ballet.

West doesn't make my time here easy. He's arrogant. Crude. Insufferable. He torments me in the worst way, to the point that I can't stand him. Yet he's the only boy I've ever let touch me...

You see, West and I? We share a secret. On a hot summer night in Paris, we hooked up. And I never do that. Ever. I revealed parts of myself to him I've never shown anyone else. He's seen me at my most vulnerable. I told him my secrets. And he told me his. In Paris, he was sexy. Protective. Even dare I say...sweet.

Now he's the villain in my story, yet I can't help but chase after that feeling only West can give me. Despite our hatred for each other, we somehow burn brighter when we're together. So what happens when you helplessly fall for the one person you know is bad for you?

If you're like me, you go ahead and fall for him anyway.

Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (2)

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Resenhas para I'll Always Be With You (1)

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Ballet girls do it better
on 25/4/24

Confesso que eu adoro um bom livro em que a pp é bailarina, mas esse aqui me decepcionou um pouco. eventualmente, a história ficou repetitiva e mais do mesmo, ao ponto de me deixar saturada com a leitura. mesmo com um bom desenvolvimento de personagens, deixou um tiquinho a desejar na construção da narrativa. gosto muito da carolina e do west também, embora ele tenha me estressado em 99% do livro, dentre todos os outros, esse aqui fica em último no meu ranking :c... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.6 / 18
ranking 33
ranking 28
ranking 39
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cadastrou em:
07/02/2023 10:28:42
editou em:
11/06/2023 12:04:26

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