Igniting Their Hearts

Igniting Their Hearts Cameron Hart


Igniting Their Hearts (Men of Blackthorne Mountain #2)

They’d walk through fire to save the woman who ignited their hearts.

Austin: I may have rescued Tasha from a fire, but I’m no hero. My best friend, Flynn, and I have been firefighters for years. We’ve saved dozens of people, but no one quite like her.

I’m not sure why I sat by Tasha in the hospital until she woke up or why she gazed at me with something close to awe. If she knew my whole sordid tale, she’d never look at me the same way again.

Flynn thinks Tasha is perfect for us, but I gave up hope of finding love years ago. I don’t deserve it, and certainly not from someone as pure as Tasha.

Flynn: She’s soft, sweet, innocent perfection. Tasha. My queen. Austin pulled her from the fire and placed her in my arms, exactly where she belongs.

Our girl is still recovering from the mysterious fire that broke out in her office. Things aren’t adding up, and we’ll get to the bottom of it. Austin and I will keep Tasha safe no matter what. Then we’ll keep her, period.

Tasha: I woke up to not one, but two hulking firefighter mountain men by my hospital bed. At first, I thought I must have been dreaming, but then the pain of my injuries sank in.

Flynn always has a grin on his handsome face as well as a joke to make me laugh. His sparkling blue eyes pull me in, drag me under, and drown me in their warmth. And then there’s Austin. His dark eyes follow me wherever I go, watching, studying, protecting.

The longer I’m around these men, the deeper I fall under their spell. I can’t choose between them, and they tell me I don’t have to. Can our fragile relationship survive threats both old and new?

What to expect from a Cameron Hart book: Lots of heat, plenty of sweet, and just enough drama to keep things interesting. No cheating, safe, guaranteed HEA!

Erótico / Romance

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Igniting Their Hearts


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cadastrou em:
30/06/2021 15:29:51
editou em:
30/06/2021 15:30:14

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