If I Had Your Face

If I Had Your Face Frances Cha


If I Had Your Face

"Even as a girl, I knew the only chance I had was to change my face... Even before a fortune-teller told me so."
Kyuri is a heartbreakingly beautiful woman with a hard-won job at a "room salon," an exclusive bar where she entertains businessmen while they drink. Though she prides herself on her cold, clear-eyed approach to life, an impulsive mistake with a client may come to threaten her livelihood.
Her roomate, Miho, is a talented artist who grew up in an orphanage but won a scholarship to study art in New York. Returning to Korea after college, she finds herself in a precarious relationship with the super-wealthy heir to one of Korea's biggest companies.
Down the hall in their apartment building lives Ara, a hair stylist for whom two preoccupations sustain her: obsession with a boy-band pop star, and a best friend who is saving up for the extreme plastic surgery that is commonplance.
And Wonna, one floor below, is a newlywed trying to get pregnant with a child that she and her husband have no idea how they can afford to raise and educate in the cutthroat economy.
Together, their stories tell a gripping tale that's seemingly unfamiliar, yet unmistakably universal in the way that their tentative friendships may have to be their saving grace.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (2)

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If I Had Your Face
If I Had Your Face


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Resenhas para If I Had Your Face (8)

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Histórias diversas, um panorama interessante.
on 6/12/20

"If I Had Your Face" é um daqueles livros que eu me fizeram criar um carinho pelos personagens e que trata de um tema que me interessa, mas que apesar de ter gostado muito, me deixou um pouco decepcionada em alguns pontos. Mesmo assim, é uma leitura muito engrandecedora e interessante. Começando com a escrita de Frances Cha que tem um ritmo rápido e objetivo e proporciona uma leitura fluída e envolvente. Com sua formação e experiência na área jornalística, a autora foi capaz de entre... leia mais


Avaliações 4.0 / 91
ranking 31
ranking 51
ranking 18
ranking 1
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cadastrou em:
21/10/2019 18:47:27
editou em:
30/12/2022 20:54:50

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