Hush Little Baby

Hush Little Baby Suzanne Redfearn


Hush Little Baby

"A gripping tale about the dark side of storytelling." - Alyson Noel, #1 New York Times bestselling author If I stay, he will kill me. If I leave, he'll destroy Addie and Drew. Jillian Kane appears to have it all - a successful career, a gorgeous home, a loving husband, and two wonderful children. The reality behind closed doors is something else entirely. For nine years, she has hid the bruises and the truth of her abusive marriage in order to protect Addie and Drew, knowing that if she left, Gordon would destroy her and destroy them. When she flees in an act of desperation, her worst nightmare is realized and she finds herself on the run with her two young children, no money, and no plan. With Gordon in hot pursuit, there is only one inescapable certainty: No matter where she goes, he will find her. Kill her. And take her children. A riveting page-turner, HUSH LITTLE BABY exposes the shame and terror of domestic violence as well as the disturbing role manipulation and sabotage can play in the high-stakes game of child custody. Suspenseful and unforgettably moving, it's a novel about the unbreakable bonds of family and the astounding, terrifying devotion of a mother's love.

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Hush Little Baby


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A great portrayal of domestic violence
on 30/12/21

A domestic thriller with just the right amount of suspense, drama, teaming with unexpected and unforseen turns! This author gave an excellent portrayal of a marriage in which there is a LOT OF domestic violence. Basically, it revolves around a family daunted by the madness and violence of a husband and father. I have read other books which touch on this topic; great books indeed, and I think this book was very successful in showing the manipulation, shame, sabotage and reasons w... leia mais


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