How to Write a Script With Dialogue That Doesn

How to Write a Script With Dialogue That Doesn't Suck Michael Rogan


How to Write a Script With Dialogue That Doesn't Suck (Screenplay ... Stupidly Easy #3)

Your Ultimate, No-Nonsense Screenwriting 101 for Writing Screenplay Dialogue

Want to (finally) learn how to write a movie script with dialogue that's snappy, believable and -- at the very least -- super-entertaining?

Want to learn screenplay writing shortCUTS and strategies the masters use -- such as Aaron Sorkin and James L. Brooks -- to generate screenplay dialogue that not only do actors love saying but actually push the story forward?

Looking for a NO B.S. and super-simple Screenwriting 101 that will show you how to get the most realistic and dramatic dialogue out of your brain...even if you have all the dialogue skills of a Michael Bay film?

Well, in...How to Write a Script With Dialogue That Doesn't Suck - Screenplay Writing Made (Stupidly) Easy Book 3 you'll learn how to write a script with dialogue that crackles off the page and sets you apart from the competition. (Dialogue, after all, is one of the few things people absolutely read when they read a screenplay.)

You'll get access to such juicy screenwriting nuggets as:

"How to Steal Your Way to Awesome Dialogue" - Feel like your dialogue skills ain't so great? In this chapter I'll show how to have your dialogue "sing" like the masters.
"Writing Exposition That Doesn't Put Readers in a Coma" - Delivering information in a dramatic ways is the most important job a screenwriter has. In this chapter I'll show you how to "lay track" in a subtle way.
"How to Make Sure Your Characters Don't All Sound the Same" - How do you ensure, when learning how to write a screenplay, that your characters are distinct. In this chapter I offer some ninja hacks for avoiding the "One character" scripts.
"3 Ways to Get as Good as the Pros" - How do you take your screenwriting dialogue game to the next level? Here are some strategies for fast-tracking your dialogue game.

And unlike that generic, cliched screenwriting manual that talks about the "Principles of Speech," this guide is written by a former screenplay reader and optioned screenwriter, Michael Rogan of ScriptBully magazine, who can help you write marketable and entertaining dialogue, fast.

Cinema / Comunicação / Didáticos / Técnico / Línguas Estrangeiras / Não-ficção

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How to Write a Script With Dialogue That Doesn



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cadastrou em:
18/11/2020 14:45:27
editou em:
18/11/2020 14:46:03

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