How to Kiss Your Grumpy Boss

How to Kiss Your Grumpy Boss Jenny Proctor


How to Kiss Your Grumpy Boss (How to Kiss a Hawthorne Brother #2)

A Sweet Romantic Comedy

Perry Hawthorne is my boss. Only my boss. And I do NOT have a crush.

When one of THE Hawthorne brothers — known by their chiseled jawlines and their family-run farm and event center — hires me to be his virtual assistant, I do everything I can to keep him firmly in the work zone.

His grumpy demeanor helps.
His smoking hot profile picture does not.

But even if I do have a crush (a very tiny one), I can’t catch real feelings for a million different reasons.

Besides the whole business part of our relationship, I’m a single mom. I have to think about what’s best for my son, Jack. And my grumpy, divorced, humorless boss isn’t exactly giving me “ready to be a stepdad” vibes.

When Perry upgrades me from virtual to in-person assistant, I wonder if I’ve gotten him all wrong. He’s actually pretty great with Jack. And with me? Let’s just say the chemistry crackling between us might vaporize all my reasons for keeping my distance.

Trouble is, after his messy divorce, I’m not sure Perry’s ready to bet on a new relationship. But it isn’t just my heart that’s on the line. It’s Jack’s, too. And after everything we went through before my husband died, I’m not sure that’s a gamble I’m ready to take, no matter how desperate Jack is for a daddy.

How to Kiss Your Grumpy Boss is a sweet romantic comedy with all the sizzling kisses you want in a closed-door romance but no explicit scenes.

Ficção / Línguas Estrangeiras / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

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How to Kiss Your Grumpy Boss


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on 22/12/23

Foi uma leitura agradável, bem rápida mas nada demais. Não achei o romance bem desenvolvido e nem o relacionamento.... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
23/12/2022 19:54:33
editou em:
23/12/2022 19:56:20

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