How to find love in a book shop

How to find love in a book shop Veronica Henry


How to find love in a book shop

Nightingale Books, nestled on the high street in the idyllic Cotswold town of Peasebrook, is a dream come true for booklovers. But owner Emilia Nightingale is struggling to keep the shop open. The temptation to sell up is proving enormous - but what about the promise she made to her father? Not to mention the loyalty she owes to her customers. Sarah Basildon, owner of stately pile Peasebrook Manor, has used the book shop as an escape from all her problems in the past few years. But is there more to her visits than meets the eye? Since messing up his marriage, Jackson asks Emilia for advice on books to read to the son he misses so much. But Jackson has a secret, and is not all he seems...And there's Thomasina, painfully shy, who runs a pop-up restaurant from her tiny cottage. She has a huge crush on a man she met and then lost in the cookery section, somewhere between Auguste Escoffier and Marco Pierre White. Can she find the courage to admit her true feelings? How to Find Love in a Book Shop is the delightful story of Emilia's fight to keep her book shop alive, the customers whose lives she has touched - and the books they all love.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

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How to find love in a book shop


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A Livraria dos Destinos
How to Find Love in a Bookshop: A Novel

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on 10/2/17

3.5/5* Opinião completa no link a baixo Como amante da leitura, fiquei desde logo apaixonada pelo título, pela premissa e pela capa deste livro. Assim sendo, decidi comprá-lo e lê-lo em inglês. O livro convenceu-me logo no início, especialmente pela forma como as personagens lidam com a dor, além de que foi bastante interessante ver como uma só pessoa pode interferir com tantas vidas. No entanto, os meus problemas com o livro começaram ao fim de umas 20 páginas, quando a ação f... leia mais


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