How to Fake Date Your Grumpy Boss

How to Fake Date Your Grumpy Boss Camilla Evergreen


How to Fake Date Your Grumpy Boss (How to Rom-com #1)

A Sweet Romantic Comedy

I did not mean to kiss him.

All I’ve ever wanted is to be a writer, but support isn’t exactly forthcoming in my household, and I wouldn’t say it’s particularly available in college either. When I learn about an opportunity to write Levi Danner’s autobiography, I cross my fingers and send in my resume, hoping things might turn around once I have the job of my dreams.

After an amazing interview with the billionaire CEO of Leopard, one wrong trip sends me hurdling into my would-be boss’s mouth. Making matters worse, the paparazzi immortalize the moment, and, needless to say, my strict upbringing did not prepare me for a mistake of this magnitude.

Because I’m as book-obsessed as I am, my solution to the resulting bad rep is as simple as it is insane. Cue the usual fake-dating shenanigans, minus the falling in love. Or who am I kidding? I know this trope, and the falling in love part isn’t exactly optional, no matter what stands against it.

Good thing Melanie Richards has a book for me.

How to Fake Date Your Grumpy Boss is a fake dating satirical romance with plenty of pining and plenty of spunk. Each book in this series has sensual description that is ultimately closed door/fade to black, minimal cursing if any at all, and a swoon-worthy love story. Please reference the reader expectations after the title page for specific details.

Chick-lit / Romance

Edições (1)

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How to Fake Date Your Grumpy Boss


Resenhas para How to Fake Date Your Grumpy Boss (2)

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on 31/1/23

Eu não sei o que pensar sobre esse livro. Tem vários pontos que eu não gosto e acho super mal explicados e um pouco sem sentido, mas fiquei tão envolvida na história e com os personagens e torci tanto pra eles que mal percebi que estava faltando 3 capítulos para o final do livro e tinha um total de 1 (um) beijo. Eles são fofos, a rose é desajeitadamente adorável e o levi é uma gracinha. Vale muito a pena para quem gosta de slow burn e quer um livro levinho pra passar o tempo. Adorei.... leia mais


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23/12/2022 22:35:58
editou em:
23/12/2022 22:37:03

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