How High We Go in the Dark

How High We Go in the Dark Sequoia Nagamatsu


How High We Go in the Dark

For fans of Cloud Atlas and Station Eleven––Follow a cast of intricately linked characters over hundreds of years as humanity struggles to rebuild itself in the aftermath of a climate plague

Beginning in 2030, a grieving archeologist arrives in the Arctic Circle to continue the work of his recently deceased daughter at the Batagaika crater, where researchers are studying long-buried secrets now revealed in melting permafrost, including the perfectly preserved remains of a girl who appears to have died of an ancient virus.

Once unleashed, the Arctic Plague will reshape life on Earth for generations to come, quickly traversing the globe, forcing humanity to devise a myriad of moving and inventive ways to embrace possibility in the face of tragedy. In a theme park designed for terminally ill children, a cynical employee falls in love with a mother desperate to hold on to her infected son. A heartbroken scientist searching for a cure finds a second chance at fatherhood when one of his test subjects—a pig—develops the capacity for human speech. A widowed painter and her teenaged granddaughter embark on a cosmic quest to locate a new home planet.

From funerary skyscrapers to hotels for the dead to interstellar starships, Sequoia Nagamatsu takes readers on a wildly original and compassionate journey, spanning continents, centuries, and even celestial bodies to tell a story about the resiliency of the human spirit, our infinite capacity to dream, and the connective threads that tie us all together in the universe.

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How High We Go in the Dark


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Resenhas para How High We Go in the Dark (7)

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“People have forgotten how to care for each other, for themselves. We can’t expect th

Eu sempre fui atraída por esse título e essa capa, apesar de não entender bem do que se tratava. São várias histórias intercaladas e em linhas do tempo diferente, mas que tem o mesmo assunto: humanidade. Pra quem curte Black Mirror, fica aí a dica. O audiobook é espetacular, com 14 narradores diferentes (um pra cada história)... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.9 / 43
ranking 23
ranking 51
ranking 23
ranking 2
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cadastrou em:
31/12/2021 11:20:29
editou em:
19/04/2022 16:30:18

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