House of Leaves

House of Leaves Mark Z. Danielewski


House of Leaves

The Remastered Full-Color Edition

Years ago, when House of Leaves was first being passed around, it was nothing more than a badly bundled heap of paper, parts of which would occasionally surface on the Internet. No one could have anticipated the small but devoted following this terrifying story would soon command. Starting with an odd assortment of marginalized youth -- musicians, tattoo artists, programmers, strippers, environmentalists, and adrenaline junkies -- the book eventually made its way into the hands of older generations, who not only found themselves in those strangely arranged pages but also discovered a way back into the lives of their estranged children.

Now, for the first time, this astonishing novel is made available in book form, complete with the original colored words, vertical footnotes, and newly added second and third appendices.

The story remains unchanged, focusing on a young family that moves into a small home on Ash Tree Lane where they discover something is terribly wrong: their house is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside.

Of course, neither Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist Will Navidson nor his companion Karen Green was prepared to face the consequences of that impossibility, until the day their two little children wandered off and their voices eerily began to return another story -- of creature darkness, of an ever-growing abyss behind a closet door, and of that unholy growl which soon enough would tear through their walls and consume all their dreams

Fantasia / Ficção / Horror / Suspense e Mistério / Terror

Edições (3)

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House of Leaves
House of Leaves
House of Leaves


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Resenhas para House of Leaves (44)

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on 31/8/16

On "House of Leaves" Apesar de ter sempre encontrado recomendações efusivas sobre esse livro, consegui começar a lê-lo do jeito que gosto : Sem saber absolutamente nada sobre a estória. Tive que apelar pra loja gringa da Amazon porque o livro não é encontrado em terras tupiniquins - e, dada sua estrutura e público restrito, não acredito que um dia venha a ser traduzido e publicado por aqui. Comecemos. Os avisos pra o leitor abandoná-lo são abundantes no começo da narrativa. Começand... leia mais

Vídeos House of Leaves (3)

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House of Leaves (Casa de folhas) | Mark Z. Danielewski | Resenha

House of Leaves (Casa de folhas) | Mark Z. Da

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Resenha de House of Leaves, de Mark Z  Danielewski

Resenha de House of Leaves, de Mark Z Daniel


Avaliações 4.5 / 162
ranking 65
ranking 25
ranking 9
ranking 1
ranking 1



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26/09/2014 22:04:23
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08/08/2022 13:42:57