Horse: A Novel (English Edition)

Horse: A Novel (English Edition) Geraldine Brooks


Horse: A Novel (English Edition)

A discarded painting in a junk pile, a skeleton in an attic, and the greatest racehorse in American history: from these strands, a Pulitzer Prize winner braids a sweeping story of spirit, obsession, and injustice across American history

Kentucky, 1850. An enslaved groom named Jarret and a bay foal forge a bond of understanding that will carry the horse to record-setting victories across the South. When the nation erupts in civil war, an itinerant young artist who has made his name on paintings of the racehorse takes up arms for the Union. On a perilous night, he reunites with the stallion and his groom, very far from the glamor of any racetrack.

New York City, 1954. Martha Jackson, a gallery owner celebrated for taking risks on edgy contemporary painters, becomes obsessed with a nineteenth-century equestrian oil painting of mysterious provenance.

Washington, DC, 2019. Jess, a Smithsonian scientist from Australia, and Theo, a Nigerian-American art historian, find themselves unexpectedly connected through their shared interest in the horse--one studying the stallion's bones for clues to his power and endurance, the other uncovering the lost history of the unsung Black horsemen who were critical to his racing success.

Based on the remarkable true story of the record-breaking thoroughbred Lexington, Horse is a novel of art and science, love and obsession, and our unfinished reckoning with racism.


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Horse: A Novel (English Edition)


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As memórias do livro
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O acorde secreto

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on 22/7/23

É muito difícil distinguir a ficção da realidade nas histórias que saem das mãos da Geraldine Brooks! Sempre embasada na História e muito coerente. Inteligentemente ela conseguiu, com a palavra “raça” fazer um trocadilho para contar a história de um grande cavalariço negro do tempo da Secessão nos USA e um historiador de arte negro nos tempos de hoje. Sobre o racismo ainda nos choca saber que não mudou muita coisa... Surpreendeu-me encontrar o artista da drip painting, Pollock,... leia mais

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