Honey and Spice

Honey and Spice Bolu Babalola


Honey and Spice

Introducing internationally bestselling author Bolu Babalola’s dazzling debut novel, full of passion, humor, and heart, that centers on a young Black British woman who has no interest in love and unexpectedly finds herself caught up in a fake relationship with the man she warned her girls about

Sweet like plantain, hot like pepper. They taste the best when together...

Sharp-tongued (and secretly soft-hearted) Kiki Banjo has just made a huge mistake. As an expert in relationship-evasion and the host of the popular student radio show Brown Sugar, she’s made it her mission to make sure the women of the African-Caribbean Society at Whitewell University do not fall into the mess of “situationships”, players, and heartbreak. But when the Queen of the Unbothered kisses Malakai Korede, the guy she just publicly denounced as “The Wastemen of Whitewell,” in front of every Blackwellian on campus, she finds her show on the brink.

They’re soon embroiled in a fake relationship to try and salvage their reputations and save their futures. Kiki has never surrendered her heart before, and a player like Malakai won’t be the one to change that, no matter how charming he is or how electric their connection feels. But surprisingly entertaining study sessions and intimate, late-night talks at old-fashioned diners force Kiki to look beyond her own presumptions. Is she ready to open herself up to something deeper?

A gloriously funny and sparkling debut novel, Honey and Spice is full of delicious tension and romantic intrigue that will make you weak at the knees.

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Honey and Spice


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Pimenta & Mel

Resenhas para Honey and Spice (4)

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on 22/7/23

Esse livro é simplesmente PERFEITO,eu ri,chorei, surtei e adorei ver os personagens no lovers mesmo sem saber.O amor de Malakai por sua scotch é realmente muito,muito lindo.Eles se tornam o apoio um do outro,se divertem e se apaixonam naturalmente sem nem perceber.Esse romance Fake dating é de alta qualidade e as declarações de amor deles tem totalmente meu coração.Ela é ardida feito pimenta,e ele, tão doce quanto mel.Talvez a junção perfeita de uma dupla apocalíptica (Malakai te amo??... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.9 / 25
ranking 40
ranking 44
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Lele Terra
cadastrou em:
28/09/2022 13:31:35
Lele Terra
editou em:
28/09/2022 13:31:57

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