Hit Me With Your Best Scot

Hit Me With Your Best Scot Suzanne Enoch


Hit Me With Your Best Scot (The Wild Wicked Highlanders #03)

The MacTaggert brothers have one task:
Find English brides or lose their land!

Coll MacTaggert, Viscount Glendarril, is a big, brawny Highlander who doesn’t like being told what to do—not even by his exasperated English mother who is determined to see her eldest son wedded and bedded. However, when he comes to the rescue of an irresistibly beautiful woman, Coll discovers that he may have found his perfect match…

The challenge isn’t that Persephone Jones is famous, wealthy, independent, and smarter than anyone he knows. The problem is that she is not interested in marrying any man---especially not a hot-headed Scot—even if he is the only man who seems to understand who she really is even when she’s not sure herself. When Coll learns that Persephone is actually a lady-in-hiding and someone is willing to kill her for what she stands to inherit…Well, Coll has never been one to turn down a fight. When hearts are involved, nothing comes between a Highlander and his lady.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Hit Me With Your Best Scot


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Meu livro favorito entre os irmãos
on 21/6/22

Nesse livro a suzane teve um diferencial muito grande que, para mim, foi colocar a protagonista feminina tão cativante. Toda a personalidade dela é incrível e eu estava ansiosa para o livro do Coll pois eu tinha certeza que seria meu favorito! Muito bom não ter me decepcionado! Gostei muito do desenrolar, porém a parte do mistério ficou meio largada na história, não me incomodou tanto pois estava lendo mais pelo romance mesmo. P.S: só queria um livro dos pais sofro por eles desde o pr... leia mais


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