History of Romania

History of Romania Captivating History


History of Romania (History of European Countries)

A Captivating Guide to Romanian History, Including Events Such as the First Roman–Dacian War, Raids ...

Do you want to discover more about the country that inspired the story of Dracula? Then dive into the captivating history of Romania! Free History BONUS Inside! Romania was internationally recognized in 1878, but its history is much older. To understand the people who inhabit this country, one must go back thousands of years and meet the first king who united the local tribes, Burebista. He and his successor, Decebal, warred against Roman legions, and although they displayed extraordinary bravery and military prowess, it wasn’t enough to preserve their independence. In this book, you will discover how Romania developed from a distant Roman province on the fringes of the Roman Empire to a modern state in eastern Europe, one ready to adopt Western values. Romania lies on Europe’s eastern border, and as such, it is often neglected in history. Although it is a culturally very rich country, the world displayed little interest in its promotion. By reading this captivating history of Romania, you will learn about the turbulent past of the region, the many wars it fought, and the people who led them. You will also learn the truth behind the character of Vlad the Impaler and decide for yourself if he was a ruthless, bloodthirsty ruler or a politician, tactician, and national hero. Here is a tiny fraction of what you will discover in this book:
Who the Dacians were and if they really are the ancestors of the Romanian people
How Romania connected the West and East
How the first independent Romanian kingdoms formed and took the role of guarding Europe against Ottoman invasions
Vlad Tepes, Stephen the Great, and Michael the Brave, three medieval heroes who are still celebrated today
The Phanariots, the Greek rulers of Moldavia and Wallachia
The unification of the country and its international recognition
The position of minorities and how gypsies and women were treated in Romania’s past
What role Romania played during the two world wars
How communism almost destroyed the nation
Communism Rising
The Ceausescu Regime
And much, much more!


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History of Romania


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Vlad the Impaler


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cadastrou em:
25/04/2023 19:12:12
editou em:
25/04/2023 19:22:08

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