History Is All You Left Me

History Is All You Left Me Adam Silvera


History Is All You Left Me

OCD-afflicted seventeen-year-old, Griffin, has just lost his first love - his best friend, ex-boyfriend and the boy he believed to be his ultimate life partner - in a drowning accident. In a desperate attempt to hold onto every last piece of the past, a broken Griffin forges a friendship with Theo's new college boyfriend, Jackson. And Griffin will stop at nothing to learn every detail of Theo's new college life, and ultimate death. But as the grieving pair grows closer, readers will question Griffin's own version of the truth - both in terms of what he's willing to hide, and what true love ultimately means...Praise for History is All You Left Me "History Is All You Left Me overflows with tenderness and heartache. Even when its hero is screwing up royally, maybe especially then, Silvera's humanity and compassion carve out a space where it's not the falling that's important, it's how you pick yourself back up. There isn't a teenager alive who won't find their heart described perfectly on these pages." Patrick Ness "Adam Silvera is a master at capturing the infinite small heartbreaks of love and loss and grief. History Is All You Left Me is a beautiful meditation on what it means to survive devastating loss. This book will make you cry, think, and then cry some more." Nicola Yoon

Jovem adulto / LGBT / GLS / Literatura Estrangeira

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History Is All You Left Me


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Resenhas para History Is All You Left Me (3)

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History is all you left me
on 22/3/21

Da pra sentir o luto, a dor da perda, a intensidade do amor, a culpa, o transtorno obsessivo compulsivo como se você estivesse com eles. A maneira como os personagens são desenvolvidos e o jeito que da pra sentir o peso enorme dos sentimentos é incrível. De doer o coração, mas muito lindo e muito verdadeiro ?? Não leio muito esse estilo, mas amei esse 1. "Everything I did for him I did for me, too, because it made me happy to see him happy. That?s not obsession, you dickhead, it?s lov... leia mais


Avaliações 3.8 / 42
ranking 31
ranking 43
ranking 19
ranking 7
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