History Is All You Left Me

History Is All You Left Me Adam Silvera

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Gabi 22/03/2021

History is all you left me
Da pra sentir o luto, a dor da perda, a intensidade do amor, a culpa, o transtorno obsessivo compulsivo como se você estivesse com eles. A maneira como os personagens são desenvolvidos e o jeito que da pra sentir o peso enorme dos sentimentos é incrível. De doer o coração, mas muito lindo e muito verdadeiro ??
Não leio muito esse estilo, mas amei esse

1. "Everything I did for him I did for me, too, because it made me happy to see him happy. That?s not obsession, you dickhead, it?s love."
2. "It?s weird how I can feel his love for me even though that?s not a word we?re throwing around, and I hope he can feel my love for him, too."
3. "Time doesn?t heal all wounds. We both know that?s bullshit; it comes from people who have nothing comforting or original to say. But I wonder if others keep up with this lie because they don?t want to speak the harsh truth. The wound never closes and the pain remains, always piercing, always burning, always suffocating, always bleeding."
4. "silence is sometimes better than someone speaking before they?re ready. That is how lies slip out."
5. "People are complicated puzzles, always trying to piece together a complete picture, but sometimes we get it wrong and sometimes we?re left unfinished. Sometimes that?s for the best. Some pieces can?t be forced into a puzzle, or at least they shouldn?t be, because they won?t make sense."
6. "I?ll never understand how time can make a moment feel as close as yesterday and as far as years."
7. "I love Theo way too much to fake interest in someone else. Sex is one thing to cover up, but I can?t bullshit love."
8. "people reveal different parts of themselves to different people."
9. "Puzzles are sort of like life because you can mess up and rebuild later, and you?re likely smarter the next time around.?"
10. "I know it?s lame, but it allowed me to feel lonely and didn?t force me to lie to myself about how I was really feeling. I understand putting on a tough face for other people but never myself."
11. "Every time a new old song comes on, I?m being resurrected. This is the true power of history. Old memories and feelings are being revived, and I?m not complaining. It?s like I still have the fatigue that got me to quit the song in the first place, but I don?t mind being woken up to it for a little bit."
12. "Being my own rock is promising, but it would be a huge lie if I didn?t admit that becoming a mountain with someone else could be equally rewarding."
13. "There?s nothing wrong with someone?s saving my life, I?ve realized, especially when I can?t trust myself to get the job done right. People need people. That?s that."

LetAcia237 15/04/2017

não é tudo isso
cheguei nesse livro com muitas expectativas, mas no final foi bem fraco. gostei do griffin, mas ele me irritava algumas horas, e o TOC dele me pareceu exagerado demais, além do "plot twist" ter sido forçado e sem sentido. dei três estrelas só por causa da parte do passado, onde o griffin e o theo ainda estavam juntos. o presente foi, como eu disse, fraco e sem sentido...

Magna 20/02/2021

É um livro bom, mas que não me tocou profundamente. Não consegui me conectar muito aos personagens e nem sofrer com eles. Tem uns trechos lindíssimos e que seriam muito emocionantes se eu tivesse conseguido ter empatia pelo Griffin. Talvez li o livro no momento errado ou só não foi escrito "para mim" msm

Ana Almeida 09/04/2024

É um livro bem profundo e pesado em alguns aspectos e, por mais que eu adore livros assim, tiveram MUITAS coisas que foram me incomodando ao longo da história por serem mal construidas ou só sem sentido mesmo. Esperava ter gostado mais.

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